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But after the party comes the hangover and the bill.

But after the cells have established themselves and begun secreting their own extracellular matrix, the scaffold should dissolve, leaving behind only healthy tissue. 然而当细胞定居下来,并开始分泌自己的细胞外间质时,这些支架也会溶解,仅留下健康的组织。
But after the division of labour has once thoroughly taken place, it is but a very small part of these with which a man\'s own labour can supply him. 但自分工完全确立以来,各人所需要的物品,仅有极小部分仰给于自己劳动,最大部分却须仰给于他人劳动。
But after the end of the service, when he went to shake the pastor's hand, he pulled out the five dollar bill and gave it to the pastor. 募捐活动上,一个小男孩手上拿着5美元准备捐款。当捐款箱来到他跟前时,他并没有把钱放进去。
But after the first injection, Diaz continued to move, squint and grimace as he tried to mouth words. 但是,在第一次注射后,迪亚兹仍然有反应,他试图说话时,目光斜视、表情扭曲。
But after the logging, the original habitats are inkling to dry, which result in the Rhododendron species could not survive. 这是事实,但是对于原来生长在其林下的其它物种,特别是杜鹃花属种类,可能由于生境改变,如生境旱化,就会被淘汰出局。
But after the party comes the hangover and the bill. 但是,盛筵结束了,沉醉犹存,还有账单。
But after the remains were delivered to nearby Innsbruck, Austria, Konrad Spindler, an archaeologist from the university there, ascertained that the corpse was prehistoric. 由于当地的冰河交错著裂缝,每年都会有登山客陷入其中而失踪,警方以为,那具尸体就是其中之一。
But after the team blew a 15-point lead and lost 88-86 to the hapless Memphis Grizzlies Tuesday night at Staples Center, it was announced practice would be held Wednesday morning at the team's El Segundo training facility. 但是由于星期二在斯台普斯中心球队与梦菲斯灰熊对的比赛中,在领先对手多达15的情况下,被对手以88-86翻盘后,队员们得到通知在今天早上进行日常的球队训练。
But after the three and a half days a breath of life from God entered them, and they stood on their feet, and terror struck those who saw them. 11过了这三天半,有生气从神那里进入他们里面,他们就站起来。看见他们的人甚是害怕。
But after three months of hard work, the team was ready to put the replica in place. 但经过三个月的艰辛工作后,特效组已准备好安放石块模型。
But after two months he still couldn't walk by himself. 但是两个月之后,他仍然无法独立行走。

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