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Heat 3 tbsp oil. Saute onion, minced garlic, green onions, red chilies and curry powder until fragrant.

Heat 1 tbsp oil. Heat through the sauce mix and pour over bean curd. Garnish wth shredded green onion. 烧热1汤匙油,下芡汁煮至热透,淋于豆腐上,饰以葱丝。
Heat 1 tbsp oil. Saute 2 slices ginger with golden thread for 5 mins over medium heat. Take out and drain oil. 1汤匙油下镬烧滚,炒香2片姜,以中火煎红衫鱼5分钟,取出,沥油。
Heat 1T. oil to stir fry the seasoning sauce,bring to a boil and then add spareribs in,mix well and serve. 锅里加入1茶匙植物油,油热后将调料倒入锅中搅拌,待糖醋汁变得粘稠时,加入排骨,翻炒均匀后出锅。
Heat 2 tbsp oil, fry mushroom and add shredded pork, pour wine then sauce mixture to stir, add hard beancurd to cook for 3 minutes until sauce dries up, thicken with thickening if necessary, serve. 两汤匙油下镬烧热,炒冬菇及瘦肉片,赞酒,拌匀,加入硬豆腐煮三分钟至汁收乾,需要时埋献,即成。
Heat 2 tbsp oil. Saute ginger until fragrant. Add black mushrooms, baby corn, carrot and stir-fry for 1 minute. 烧热2汤匙油,爆香姜片,加入鲜冬菇、露笋及甘笋,炒香1分钟。
Heat 3 tbsp oil. Saute onion, minced garlic, green onions, red chilies and curry powder until fragrant. 烧热3汤匙油,爆香洋葱、蒜蓉、葱、红辣椒及咖喱粉。
Heat 4teaspoons cooked oil to deep fry the minced pork. 加入炸过的油4大匙,放入绞肉炒至熟。
Heat Mirror ? insulating glass may use spectral selective film at various visible light transmittance, to satisfy different design requirement of natural lighting and solar heat rejection. 热镜中空玻璃产品可以运用各种可见光透过率的光谱选择性反射薄膜,以满足不同的采光和阳光遮蔽设计要求。
Heat Mirror Super insulating Glass uses double layers of film suspended between two pieces of glasses. 两层玻璃中采用双层薄膜结构――超级热镜中空玻璃。
Heat Mirror insulating glass has excellent insulating properties in winter and heat summer, suitable for all different weather conditions. 热镜中空玻璃拥有极优的冬日保温、夏日隔热功效,适于全球各气候带的区域使用。
Heat Mirror insulating glass has similar weight, thickness and mechanical performance compare with ordinary insulating glass. 热镜中空玻璃具有与普通中空玻璃相似的重量,厚度和机械性能。

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