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Generally speaking, problem analyzingaccounts for the greatest room in the editorial of the New York Times, which is characteristic of its argumentative structure.

Generally speaking , women live longer than men. 一般而言,女性寿命较男性长。
Generally speaking ,people who sell and buy stocks all hope to make much money . 一般而言,买卖股票的人都希望赚钱。
Generally speaking ,the higher the original blood pressure ,the more pronounced the reduction effected. 一般说来,原来的血压越高,降压的效果越好。
Generally speaking for most cars, only the horizontal surfaces need to be clayed, as it is the horizontal surfaces that contaminants tend to land on and if not removed within a reasonable period of time will then bond tightly to the surface. 一般来讲,只有水平的漆面才需要做研磨护理,在一段时间内,它就会紧紧的贴在漆面上,因为它是水平的,污物才会落在上面,并且不能移动。
Generally speaking ,the business tax is levied on the taxable service ,the transfer of intangible asset and sale of the immovable property within china . 一般地说,提供应税业务、转让无形资产和出卖不动产都要交纳营业税。
Generally speaking, problem analyzingaccounts for the greatest room in the editorial of the New York Times, which is characteristic of its argumentative structure. 一般说来,分析问题所占篇幅最长,这是时报社论在论证结构中的一大特色.
Generally speaking, Catholics are of the belief that Northern Ireland's ultimate problem is the matter of its national definition; whereas Protestants believe that religion is the primary problem, which actually rests in their own attitude of ostracism to 大体而言,天主教徒认为北爱尔兰的癥结在国家定位,新教徒则认为宗教才是主因,也就是他们对于天主教的排拒;天主教徒的民族认同比新教徒来得清楚,进而反映在他们对于国家定位的看法分歧。
Generally speaking, Dali is employed in Xiangshi (triennial examination) and Huishi (metropolitan examination), while Xiaoti can be divided into two types: the question for Tongsheng (Pupil) and the one for the great writers of Baguwen to write for showin 一般而言,乡会试所考的是大题;而小题则有两种:一为童生所考的题目,一为八股名家出于技痒而为。
Generally speaking, I don't like spicy food. 我一般不爱吃辛辣的食物.
Generally speaking, I prefer lamb to pork. 一般地说,我喜欢羔羊肉胜过猪肉。
Generally speaking, I think we speak mandarin in formal, but speak Beijing tone with our friend, because it's friendly and close to you. 想学北京话,初级的看看冯导早年的电影,高级的看看王朔的小说.那就是我们的生活.

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