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A spokeswoman said: While we recognise the possible benefits of very moderate alcohol consumption in relation to dementia, we would be far happier to promote a generally healthy lifestyle of healthy eating, physical exercise, mental stimulation and social

A spokeswoman for Boots said: We recognize that poker-straight hair is a look most women want to achieve, as sales figures show we are selling more straightening irons than ever before. 博姿公司的一位女发言人说:“据我们了解,大多数女性都向往直发,有销售数据表明目前我们公司直发器的销量比以往都要高。”
A spokeswoman for the British Foreign Office responded by saying London shares Tehran's preference for early bilateral discussions to resolve the case. 英国外交部发言人回应说,伦敦同德黑兰一样,愿意尽快举行双边磋商,解决问题。
A spokeswoman for the European Commission Friday said direct aid has been suspended for the time being. 欧盟一位发言人星期五说,目前暂缓直接援助。
A spokeswoman for the ministry in Dresden said she did not want to comment on the court decision. The teenager had failed to attend a significant number of classes. 萨克森州教育局一名女发言人在德累斯顿称,她不想就此事发表评论。这名女生已经缺席了相当数量的课程。
A spokeswoman said the measures might include clocks on walls, timers and alerts on machines and breaks in play. 一位女发言人说,这些措施包括在墙上挂置时钟,在赌场内放置计时器或警报器等装置,在赌博其间规定休息时间。
A spokeswoman said: While we recognise the possible benefits of very moderate alcohol consumption in relation to dementia, we would be far happier to promote a generally healthy lifestyle of healthy eating, physical exercise, mental stimulation and social 一名女发言人说:“虽然我们承认非常适度饮酒的益处同痴呆症有关,我们会更高兴的发现,它促进一个关于健康饮食、体育锻炼、心理激励和社会互动的普遍的健康生活方式。
A spokeswoman said: “We are aware of the internet version but it is not the real thing. People will have to wait until July 21. 一名发言人声称:“我们注意到了互联网上的版本,但是这个版本不是真的,大家将不得不等到6月21日。”
A sponge absorbs water. 海绵能吸水。
A sponge with a metal stand (936A) or plastic stand (936C) included. 配金属烙铁座(936A)或塑料烙铁座(936C)及高温海棉。
A spool or reel that holds thread or yarn for spinning, weaving, knitting, sewing, or making lace. 线轴装上线和纱线以供抽丝、缝纫、编织或编制花边的线轴或卷轴
A sport and method of physical training similar to wrestling,developed in Japan in the late 19th century and using principles of balance and leverage adapted from jujitsu. 柔道,现代柔术类似摔跤的一种运动及健身方式,19世纪晚期产生于日本,采用柔道的平衡原理及杠杆原则。

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