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He was terribly exhausted and in great pain; but after some frictioning of his wrists and ankles, and a long draught from a whisky flask, he was able to give his account of what had occurred.

He was fantastic,said Sir Alex Ferguson. He has been sensational, the boy. “他很棒,”福格森爵士说。“这孩子真令人印象深刻。
He was labored,coach Phil Jackson said. That's going to happen right now. We're not going to panic. 菲尔说:他(科比)已经尽力了。这是很正常的事情,我们没有必要惊慌。
He was like a diamond in its original shape. A hidden, rough diamond that needed polishing. But that's what I do as a coach; to find the diamond. “他犹如一颗尚未雕琢的钻石。一颗不为人知,需要雕琢的天然钻石。但那就是我作为主教练要做的,去发现这颗钻石。”
He was strong in his approach to the situation, he showed not just his former club but the world he wanted to go to Chelsea very strongly. “他在那种环境下处理事情非常的成熟,他表示他想效力的既不是他的前任俱乐部也不是世界上其他的豪门,他只想加入切尔西,他对切尔西的感情是如此的强烈。”
He was taken into custody at 9:30 to 9:40,Officer Gretchen Ellis said. A firearm was recovered. 警官格雷琴·艾利斯证实:“他是在9:30到9:40之间被收监的。凶器也已经找到了。”
He was terribly exhausted and in great pain; but after some frictioning of his wrists and ankles, and a long draught from a whisky flask, he was able to give his account of what had occurred. “他极为疲惫,非常痛苦;但是在活动了手腕和脚踝、喝了一瓶威士忌之后,他能够说明发生的事情了。”
He was the coach's priority and it was not a deal with any undue conditions. “他是主教练的第一选择,这个交易非常划算。”
He was truly a fine man. He was a pious Buddhist who lived by the commandments. And a pure vegetarian,said Li Ziwei, as he wiped away a tear. 他是一个真正的好人,一个恪守戒律的虔诚的佛教徒,一个纯粹的素食者。”李子威擦了擦眼泪说。”李子威擦了擦眼泪说。
He was... stirred by righteous wrath? (John Galsworthy). 他被…激起极大的愤怒(约翰·高尔斯渥西)
He who believes in the Son has eternal life; but he who does not obey the Son will not see life, but the wrath of God abides on him. 约3:36信子的人有永生.不信子的人得不著永生、〔原文作不得见永生〕神的震怒常在他身上。
He who dwells in this city will die by the sword and by famine and by pestilence; but he who goes out and falls away to the Chaldeans who are besieging you will live, and he will have his own life as booty. 耶21:9住在这城里的、必遭刀剑、饥荒、瘟疫而死.但出去归降围困你们迦勒底人的、必得存活、要以自己的命为掠物。

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