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Both secrecy and deception are self-protecting mechanisms due to a sense of mistrust regarding the interest or ability of others to provide useful information.

Both rivals campaigned well into the wee hours Tuesday. 两个竞争对手一直竞选到周二凌晨1、2点钟。
Both routers authenticate and are authenticated, so the PAP authentication commands mirror each other. 两台路由器都验证与被验证,所以密码验证协定的验证指令反映在每台路由器上。
Both say it was love at first sight; they were married in June that year. 两人都说是一见钟情,他们于该年6月结了婚。
Both sayings are deficient in persuasion. 以上两说都有弊端。
Both seals are wonderful; my wife also praised your ingenuity, she happened to see them. 两个印文都很美妙,内人也很赞叹您的天分,她碰巧看到它们。
Both secrecy and deception are self-protecting mechanisms due to a sense of mistrust regarding the interest or ability of others to provide useful information. 守密与隐瞒都是源自一种对于利益与他人能提供有用资讯的不信任感,而生起的自我保护机制。
Both sedimentology and marine biology are practice-needed curriculum. 摘要沉积学和海洋生物学都是实践性很强的学科。
Both seek to improve system performance, through paradoxical using directly opposite approaches. 两类(思路)都试图通过似非而是、看似矛盾的两种不同的努力方向来增进系统的效率。
Both self-cleaning electro-magnets and self-cleaning permanent magnets can be installed in eigher in-line or cross-belt configurations. 无论自行清理电磁铁和自行清理永久磁铁两种方式,均可与皮带输送方位上采取“呈一直线”或与之“交错”布置。
Both sellers and buyers would do better than in the illegal market, where much of the money goes to the middleman. 买卖双方都要比在非法市场上更合算,因为那里的不少钱财都落到了中间人的腰包。
Both sexes of the African elephant have tusks, but only the male sex of Asian elephants have tusks that protrude beyond the lips. 非洲雌雄象均又长牙,但只有亚洲雄象才有从唇边伸出的长牙。

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