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A BBC comedian asked his straight man to read the day's news.

A Are you busy this evening? 你今晚很忙吗?
A Are you coming on Friday evening to the art gallery? 周五晚上你去艺术展览馆吗?
A Are you on holiday in Beijing? 你在北京度假吗?
A BANK GUARD. It is closing time now and he is slamming metal plates into place, the sound loud and sharp and final. 一个银行警卫。现在是下班时间,他砰砰地关上铁门,声音很大、尖锐、终结。
A BARE two centuries old, Sydney has grown into one of the world's great cities with four million inhabitants. 仅仅两百年的时间,悉尼就已发展成为一个拥有四百万人口的国际化大都市。
A BBC comedian asked his straight man to read the day's news. 一位BBC电台的喜剧演员请他的捧哏搭档读今天的新闻。
A BRITISH CORPORATION: You have two cows. They are mad. They die. Pass the shepherd's pie, please. 英国公司:你有两头母牛,它们疯了,它们死了。肉馅土豆饼没有人敢吃了。
A BRITISH grandmother has married Osama bin Laden's son. 一名已为人祖母的英国妇人同奥萨姆.本.拉登的儿子结了婚。
A BUSINESSMAN who was attacked by a crocodile in Malawi, Africa eacaped by biting the reptile on its nose last week. 上周,一位在在非洲的马拉维遭受鄂鱼攻击的商人打了这个爬行动物的鼻子后得以逃脱。
A Bachelor of Arts is one who makes love to a lot of women, and yet has the art to remain a bachelor. 所谓文学士[有术之单身汉]者,乃与许多女人乱搞而犹不失为单身汉有术之士也。
A Bachelor of Business specialising in Hospitality Management, International Tourism, or Event Management equips students with the strategic management, practical and personal skills necessary to compete successfully in the highly competitive global envir 工商管理学士学位包括酒店管理、国际旅游以及事件管理三个专业,目的是培养学生熟练掌握、运用战略管理与实践知识,增进个人技能,以便在竞争日益激烈的全球旅游行业中立于不败之地。

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