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According to today's newspaper, we shall have cold weather next week.

According to those experts, accents among cows probably develop just like they do among humans, and may result from spending time with farmers with differing accents. 在一些语音学家眼里,这个说法也并不牵强,他们认为奶牛与不同口音的牧民生活在一起,自然而然就像人一样带上了口音。
According to those people in this field, the Angora rabbit is very famous. 据业者表示,土耳其的安哥拉兔相当有名。
According to thy name, O God, so is thy praise unto the ends of the earth: thy right hand is full of righteousness. 10神阿,你受的赞美,正与你的名相称,直到地极。你的右手满了公义。
According to time of operation, the buses are divided as follows: numbers that start with 2are morning and evening rush hour buses, numbers that start with 3 are night buses; according to location, buses are divided as follows: Puxi buses, Pudong buses, b 按运营时间分,有:日间公交车、“2”字头的早晚高峰车和“3”字头的夜宵车;按地域范围分,有浦西的、浦东的、过江的(含大桥、隧道线)和郊区线;按票务方式分,有单一票价1元(全程13公里以下的线路)或1.5元(全程超13公里的线路)的无人售票车(市内公交号码为两位数的或三位数中“1”字头、“2”字头、“7”字头的线路绝大多数是无人售票车,自备零钱,不找零,公交终点站、各主要交通枢纽均有1元和1元5角两种面值的公交预售票出售,每本50张,售出不退),还有单一票价2元的空调车和多级票价的专线车(有“5”字头的大巴
According to to the official U.S. government classification of the Asian race, The proportion holding a professional and managerial job varied from 8.4 percent for Laotian to over 66 percent for the Taiwanese, and In terms of wages the Taiwanese and Japan 根据美国的官方资料,在纽约都会区,中国人超过五十万人口排名第一,排第二的亚裔印度人约45万人,另外台湾约1万五千多人口,而具有专业和管理职业的百分比从最低寮国的8.4%到最高台湾的66.6%,中位数薪资以台湾和日本的5万美金最高,孟加拉的2万美金最低。
According to today's newspaper, we shall have cold weather next week. 根据今天的报纸,下星期将有冷天气。
According to trade publication Billboard, overall U.S. album sales hit 13.1 million units, up 10 percent over the previous week but about 10 percent lower than the year-ago period. 杂志公布的销售记录显示,本周全美专辑的销售量达到1310万,比上周多10%,但比去年同期下降了10%。
According to tradition, Nicholas was born in Asia Minor (modern-day Turkey) in about A.D. 270. 按照传统的说法,公元270年,尼古拉生于小亚细亚(现在的土耳其)。
According to tradition, he must be unmarried. 根据传统,他必须未婚。
According to tradition, the fiancé will present the fiancée with an engagement ring. 按照传统,未婚夫要送给未婚妻一枚订婚戒指。
According to traditional traditional Chinese medicine go through Luo study and massage the principle of theory, cross-eye department around carries out appropriate massage and hot compress , and combines negative ion therapy, it is exhausted to alleviate 根据传统中医经络学和按摩学说的原理,对眼部周围进行适度按摩、热敷,并结合负离子疗法,以加强眼部的血液循环,缓解眼部肌肉疲劳和紧张状态。

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