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Thus, inverse manufacturingis seen to be a revolutionary process whose emphasis is placed on reusability rather than on recycling itself.

Thus you shall sanctify them that they may be most holy; whatever touches them shall be holy. 29你要这样使这些分别为圣,好成为至圣;凡触着这些的都成为圣。
Thus you shall say to him, Thus says Jehovah, What I have built I am about to tear down; and what I have planted I am about to pluck up, even this whole land. 4你要这样告诉他,耶和华如此说,我要拆毁我所建造的;我要拔出我所栽植的,在这全地我都要如此行。
Thus you shall utterly remove the evil from your midst. 这样,你就把那恶从你们中间完全除掉。
Thus you will find favor and a reputation for fine understanding In the sight of God and man. 4这样,你必在神和人眼前蒙恩宠,有美好的悟性。
Thus you will receive the glory of the distinctiveness of the world , all obscurity will flee from you. 由此你将获得全世界最卓绝的荣光,所有的阴暗都将从你身边消散。
Thus, inverse manufacturingis seen to be a revolutionary process whose emphasis is placed on reusability rather than on recycling itself. 制造业如果以循环型企业为目标必须求助于逆向制造。
Thus, Arthur was probably born between 1946 and 1951. 这样,亚瑟可能出生在1946与1951年之间。
Thus, Cable Science Network, or CSN, is in the offing. 因此「有线科学电视网」(CSN)即将诞生。
Thus, China's network flows appear high , factually most of them are garbage flows, and without commercial value. 因此中国的网络流量看似很大,其实大部分都是垃圾流量,没有商用价值。
Thus, China's telecom industry can develop further. 这样,才能促进我国电信业的进一步发展。
Thus, Damon didn't lose his ever-present grin when he saw the lineup card and the letters DHbehind his name. 如此,大门当他看到先发卡上面在他的名字后面写著指定打击,他龇牙咧嘴的笑著。

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