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Such ischemia most often results from hypotension (shock) from cardiac failure, from marked blood loss, or from loss of blood supply from mechanical obstruction (as with the bowel incarcerated in a hernia or with volvulus or intussusception).

Such is the reputation of the All Blacks that some believe they gain a psychological advantage over their opponents the moment they step out onto the playing field. 这就是“全黑队”的名声,有些人认为,他们走上球场的那一刻,就在心理上压倒了对手。
Such is the spine-chilling world in which Mr Chen, until last week in charge of China's showcase of modernity, now finds himself (see article). 对陈来说,上周还在掌管中国现代化的典范(指上海),今天已成阶下囚,真是令人毛骨悚然。
Such is the tragedy of Werewolf. 这就是狼人的惨剧。
Such is the way of an adulterous woman; she eateth, and wipeth her mouth, and saith, I have done no wickedness. 20淫妇的道,也是这样,他吃了把嘴一擦,就说,我没有行恶。
Such is their efficiency that the capital cost and operating expenses are covered by the sale of recyclables and electricity resulting in a cash flow neutral position for the municipality. 使用在世界上广泛运用的简易单专利后期处理分离技术,提供机械方法来分离与隔离不同种类的可回收物品,例如清洁金属,提高销售价值。
Such ischemia most often results from hypotension (shock) from cardiac failure, from marked blood loss, or from loss of blood supply from mechanical obstruction (as with the bowel incarcerated in a hernia or with volvulus or intussusception). 局部缺血常见于由心衰、大量失血、血管受阻(见于肠疝、肠扭转或肠套叠)所导致的低血压(休克)。
Such isolated droplets must have formed in free space, rather than as part of a larger body, or else they would have merged into a more conventional igneous rock. 这些独立的小滴一定是形成于自由的空间,而不是生下来就是较大个体的一部分,不然他们会融入更普通的火成岩。
Such issues may include, but are not limited to, historical processes, class hierarchies within or between countries, access to education, particular family formations, the role of the government, and economic dynamics ranging from the relationships betwe 此类议题可以包含(但不局限于)国家的历史过程、等级制度(该国之内或跨国之间),接受教育情况、尤其是家庭的形成、政府的角色、以及经济动态范畴从不同国家之间的关系到生计维持或劳工的不足等等。
Such judgments or written orders shall apply to those who have not registered their rights but have instituted legal proceedings during period of limitation of the action. 未参加登记的权利人在诉讼时效期间提起诉讼的,适用该判决、裁定。
Such kind of crane with features of reliable work, superior performance and full functions, is a perfect equipment for such materials operation enterprises like goods yard, wharfs, works and storehouses etc. 本机是货场、码头、工厂、仓库等物资运转企业中的理想设备,工作可靠、性能优越、功能全面。
Such kind of fusion is reflected profoundly in Journey to the West. 在明代小说《西游记》中,这种融合有着典型而又深刻的反映。

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