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has disrupted railroad services into and out of Paris.
中断了进出巴黎市的 铁路交通.

hardly...when... 刚…就…
has a typical baroque style--highly ornate and extravagant. 是典型的巴洛克风格 --装饰高度华丽.
has become a household name after his excellent performance in the Olympic Games. 使孔令辉这位优秀乒乓球 运动员的名字家喻户晓.
has become a serious problem threatening the world as well as Europe. 已成为一个不仅威胁 欧洲且威胁全世界的 严重问题.
has caves and tunnels originally used by smugglers. 有很多岩洞和隧洞, 原为走私者所用.
has disrupted railroad services into and out of Paris. 中断了进出巴黎市的 铁路交通.
has little attraction to young people nowadays. 对年轻人没有 多少吸引力.
has made an indelible impression on movie fans all over the world. 出色的表演给全球影迷 留下了不可磨灭的印象.
has resolutely denied rumors of an extramarital affair with a state employee. 坚决否认他与某州政府职员有婚外恋的传闻.
has still been regarded as the best Hollywood make. 仍被认为是好莱坞的 抗鼎之作.
has to charter a plane whenever he is on a performing tour, 每次巡回演出都得包机,

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