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Chinese Zen Buddhism opposes idolization and crazy adoration of northern folk to Gautama,it also opposes the dogmatism of southern folk.

Chinese Famous Liquor——Wuliangye and Drinker's Health 多粮浓郁型中国名酒———五粮液与饮者健康
Chinese Folktale Pawning the Conscience and Construction of Contemporary Commercial Morals 民间故事《当“良心”》与当代商业道德建设
Chinese IT Market in 00 :Louder voice of buyers IT00 买方势力
Chinese University Education Summons the Integration of Scientific Spirit and Humanistic Spirit 大学教育呼唤科学精神与人文精神的融合
Chinese Women Seduce Parisian Art Galleries 法国画廊“钟情”中国女性(英文)
Chinese Zen Buddhism opposes idolization and crazy adoration of northern folk to Gautama,it also opposes the dogmatism of southern folk. 禅宗既反对北方民间对释迦牟尼的狂热崇拜和偶像化,也反对南方士大夫崇尚义理,苦研佛经的教条化。
Chinese imperial courts did not usually use or intend to use this ostensible and self-comforting “tributary and suzerain-vassal” relations to interfere the internal affairs in Southeast Asia. 中国朝廷通常没有也不打算利用这种表面上的、自我安慰式的“朝贡宗藩”关系来干预东南亚地区事务。
Chinese modern advanced culture with Chinese characterstics should absorb Chinese traditional culture and the western culture as well as surpass them. 中国现代民族文化应该是既吸收传统文化和西方文化的优秀成份 ,又超越传统文化和西方文化的有中国特色的社会主义先进文化
Chinese mustard (Brassica juncea Czern et Coss.) 芥菜(Brassica juncea Czern. et Coss.)
Chinese prickly ash is ripe drying pericarp of Zanthoxylum Bungeanum Maxim or Zanthoxylum schinifolium Sieb. et Zucc. 花椒是芸香科(Rutaceae)花椒属(Zanthoxylum L)植物花椒(Zanthoxylum Bungeanum Maxim)或青椒(Zanthoxylum schinifolium Sieb. et Zucc)的成熟干燥果皮。
Chinese syllable exactly refers to the countable tonetic syllables instead of 00 uncountable ones. 明确地指出了没有声调就构不成汉语的音节,汉语的音节只能指汉语的 个计声调音节,而不是00多个不计声调音节。

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