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The paper discuss the upper bound of the distribution of the partial sums of identically distributed mixing random variables.

The paper describes typical Erbahuo Ag deposit and Youfangxi Ag-polymetal deposit geology, ore-control factors and marks showing the potetial and direction for further exploration. 文章论述了二把火银矿、油房银多金属矿的矿床地质特徵及其控矿因素、找矿标志,认爲该区具有可观的找矿潜力,幷提出了找矿方向。
The paper designs pattern format of intelligent-tying-machine, and in order to improve performance of its sewing procedure, it makes a detailed analysis on the format of sewing-frame. 摘要分析并设计了打结机的缝制花样,从提高缝制过程性能的角度出发,分析了花样缝制帧的格式。
The paper detailed the dominant requirement of the key employees by parallel analysis and clarified the necessary measures to meet the needs of the key employees in mordern enterprises. 本文通过对比分析,阐述了核心员工的主导需要,并结合国际流行趋势,分析了满足现代企业核心员工需要应采取的措施。
The paper dialectically elaborates on ways to become a learning-style leading cadre in the new era, i. e. to solve the problem of why studyby upholding the unity of cognition &action; to solve the problem of what to learnby adhering to the complementarity 摘要辩证地论述了新时期学习型领导干部的实现途径:从提高学习认识着眼,坚持知与行的统一,解决“为什么学”的问题;从认清学习目的入手,坚持博与精的互补,解决“学什么”的问题;从解决学习动力上下工夫,坚持勤与思的齐动,解决“怎么学”的问题;从确立终身学习的观念上求突破,坚持自律与他律的结合,解决“如何落实学习”的问题。
The paper directed against the history and present of China silk industry,by analysing the principal contradiction of restricting industrial advance from the point of view in productive forces and production relations,and by Comparing to the Brasil silk i 本文针对中国蚕丝产业的历史和现状,从生产力和生产关系的角度分析了制约产业发展的基本矛盾,并通过和近期蚕丝生产力发展较快的巴西进行比较,提出应从产业模式改造、建立现代化桑园生产技术体系和工业化养蚕技术体系、发展一批以中西部地区为主的新蚕区等方面,重新营造中国蚕丝产业的优势。
The paper discuss the upper bound of the distribution of the partial sums of identically distributed mixing random variables. 摘要本文讨论了同分布混合序列部分和分布函数的上界及其应用。
The paper discussed a method which automatically detect cloud in polar orbit meteorological satellite images by using visual band reflectance and thermal infrared bright temperature. 本文探讨了利用极轨气象卫星图像可见光波段的反射率和热红外波段的亮温信息进行云自动检测的方法。
The paper discussed sufficiently on the necessity of development modern solar greenhouse horticulture industry and indicated it was the development direction of greenhouse industry in north China. 摘要对中国北方发展现代日光温室园艺产业的必要性进行了充分论述,并指出现代日光温室园艺产业是我国北方温室园艺产业的发展方向。
The paper discussed the change rule of meristematic nuclei and their relation with the intercellular rhizobia. 本文还讨论了分生细胞核的变化规律及其与胞间根瘤菌存在的关系。
The paper discussed the characteristics of demand-decided and supply-decided models of water resources deployment, and applied supply-decided model in Hailaer Riverbasin as a case study. 摘要本文分析了以需定供和以供定需的水资源配置模式的特点,并以海拉尔流域为例,阐述了以供定需的水资源配置模式在流域的具体应用。
The paper discussed the complex characters of industrial generic technology innovation and researched its complexity mechanism. 在对产业共性技术创新复杂特征研究的基础上,研究了其复杂性机理。

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