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We are then transported, with no transition (as in the rest of the film) to Egypt, where an ensemble performs an Arabic-sounding, vivacious melody on love, in Arabic (I could not tell if this was pure or a mixture of Arabic and Romany), with a ghaziya dan

We are the stars wherever we go. 无论走到哪里都备受瞩目。
We are the thought of our starting point and home to return to according to the satisfaction of customer continuously , and gained the consistent favourable comment of customer . 我们一直本着客户的满意是我们的出发点和归宿的思想,赢得了客户的一致好评。
We are the true low-cost products and integrated solution provider. 我们的服务宗旨是提供给客户低成本高质量的产品及解决方案。
We are then asked to choose optimal chemotherapy for this patient. 要求我们为这位患者选一个最佳的化疗方案。
We are then prepared to survey the major structural approaches, with an emphasis on the most popular, the bus structure. 接下来综述主要结构的方法,其中重点放在最流行的总线结构上。
We are then transported, with no transition (as in the rest of the film) to Egypt, where an ensemble performs an Arabic-sounding, vivacious melody on love, in Arabic (I could not tell if this was pure or a mixture of Arabic and Romany), with a ghaziya dan 于是,我们被放逐,不经过渡(就像影片后来那样)来到了埃及,这时所有人用阿拉伯语(我不知道是纯粹的阿拉伯语还是交织在一起的阿拉伯语和吉普赛语)合唱出欢快悦耳的阿拉伯风情的爱意,一个阿拉伯少女盅惑而热烈地舞着。
We are therefore Christ's ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal through us. We implore you on Christ's behalf: Be reconciled to God. 20所以我们作基督的使者,就好像神借我们劝你们一般。我们替基督求你们与神和好。
We are think poorly of count for cup. 我们低估了杯子的价值。
We are thinking about the question. 我们正在思考那个问题。
We are thinking of expanding into the Chinese market. 我扩意生把想们大到中国市场.
We are thinking of expanding into the Thailand market. 我们想把生意扩大到泰国市场。

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