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In the court of the palace Kwashin Koji was examined at once by the Chief Officer, and sternly reprimanded.

In the course of time, there was another battle with the Philistines, at Gob. At that time Sibbecai the Hushathite killed Saph, one of the descendants of Rapha. 18后来,以色列人在歌伯与非利士人打仗,户沙人西比该杀了伟人的一个儿子撒弗。
In the course of transformation from planned economy to market economy, the relations between national security, unit security and community security have changed. 摘要在从计划经济到市场经济的社会转型中,作为宏观层面的国家保障与微观层面的单位保障、社区保障之间关系发生了变化。
In the course of trying to escape and solve the murder, they ally themselves with wealthy historian and Holy Grail fanatic Leigh Teabing, an acquaintance of Langdon's. 在逃离及解答谋杀疑团过程中,又加入另一位富有的历史学者,也是圣杯的狂热份子雷、提兵。他是连登的朋友。
In the course of work, as the Ambassador on behalf of the image of nurses in the hospital nursing receive Bronze Star selection, Nurses participate in the Shanghai style Competition won first prize, in general nursing skills examination was great operatio 在工作期间,作为护士形象大使代表医院参加护理之星评选获得铜奖,参加上海市护士风采大赛获得优胜奖,参加护理综合技能考核获得“十佳操作能手”称号。
In the course of your absence, many stories happened. 在你不在期间, 发生了很多事。
In the court of the palace Kwashin Koji was examined at once by the Chief Officer, and sternly reprimanded. 在宫殿内的法庭,果正居士立刻被首席法官审问,而且受到严厉的斥责。
In the covenant there was no provision for the grace that should make them obedient. 在那个约里并没有供应恩典,使他们能以顺服。
In the cramped confines of a packed commuter train at rush-hour, a small bomb in an innocent-looking bag will cause carnage. 在上下班高峰时段拥挤列车的狭小空间内,一颗装在貌似清白的袋子里的炸弹就会引发一场血腥屠杀。
In the crash the driver (was) catapulted through the windscreen. 在事故中司机从挡风玻璃中(被)弹了出来.
In the crash the front of the car concertinaed to absorb the impact. 在碰撞中,车子的前面挤压成一团,吸收了那股撞击力。
In the created false pseudo-festivalscapitalists force us to buy what we do not need by the spectacles. 在那些虚假的被制造出来“伪节日”之中,资本家通过景观强迫我们去买自己并不需要的东西。

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