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Cruyff quipped: PSV have a chance - you can't say that tactically Arsenal are so phenomenal.

Crushes your target dealing 350% weapon damage plus 303 to 323. Deals an additional 243 to 259 damage while an ally is flanking your target. 碾压你的目标,造成350%武器伤害并附加303-323伤害。并且在当一个盟友在你的目标的侧面时额外造成243-259点伤害。
Crushes your target for 350% damage plus 84 to 92. Deals an additional 67 to 75 damage when used while an ally is flanking your target. 碾压你的目标,造成350%武器伤害并附加84-82伤害。并且在当一个盟友在你的目标的侧面时额外造成67-75点伤害。
Crushes your target for 350% weapon damage plus 35 to 41. Deals an additional 35 to 41 damage when used while an ally is flanking your target. 碾压你的目标,造成350%武器伤害并附加35-41伤害。并且在当一个盟友在你的目标的侧面时额外造成35-41点伤害。
Crusoe conquers his new land and avoids cannibals from a neighboring island, but becomes so lonely he fears going insane. 本片精致地将原著加以映象化,具有诗般纯粹的风格,安东尼.柯林斯的精彩配乐也有效地烘托了气氛。
Crusoe returned to his cave, full of fear. 克鲁索回到他的山洞,心中充满恐惧。
Cruyff quipped: PSV have a chance - you can't say that tactically Arsenal are so phenomenal. PSV有机会的-你不可以说那组织性的阿仙奴是那麽惊人的。
Cruz fails to control Burdisso's cross from the left-wing by-line, but makes amends seconds later with a header from Karagounis' cross back in which goes over the bar. 小布左路底线传中,克鲁兹没能控制住皮球。另一侧卡拉古尼斯再次传中,但高出了横梁。
Cruz robs Siviglia of the ball on the left-wing by-line but fails to keep it in play. Trefoloni spots a foul by the Argentine and awards Lazio a free kick. 克鲁兹在左翼底线处断下了西维格利亚的球,但并未控制好。特拉弗洛尼判阿根廷人犯规,对方任意球。
Cruzado JM,I.loberas N,Torras J,et al.Regression of advanced diabetic nephropathy by hepatocyte growth factor gene therapy in rats[J].Diabetes,2004 ;53 (4):1119-27. 刘志红,黎磊石.探索糖尿病肾病防治的新途径[J].肾脏病与透析肾移植杂志,2002;11(1):1-2.
Cry aloud and shout for joy, O inhabitant of Zion, For great in your midst is the Holy One of Israel. 赛12:6锡安的居民哪、当扬声欢呼.因为在你们中间的以色列圣者、乃为至大。
Cry havoc,and let slip the dogs of war. 发出屠杀的号令,让战争的猛犬四处蹂躏.

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