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Another drug might incapacitate the mechanisms the bacteria use to divert lipids from the host cell to the chlamydial vacuole, halting the trespassers' ability to hide.

Another disadvantage is that Lincoln will miss through suspension. 另一个遗憾就是林肯因为禁赛而缺席本场比赛。
Another disadvantage of the Reactive Approach is the continued exposure of users of the buildings to an unacceptably high degree of potential risk, should a major fire, hazardous material exposure or major security incident occur. 反应法的另一弊病是将使用大楼的人员置于长期的高度危险之中,一旦发生重大火灾,有毒材料泄漏或者别的安全事故,后果不堪设想。
Another disciple said to him, Lord, first let me go and bury my father. 21又有一个门徒对耶稣说,主阿,容我先回去埋葬我的父亲。
Another discovery, though, was unexpected. 不过,另一个发现却出人意表。
Another disease you have heard about is AIDS. 你所听说的另外一种疾病就是艾滋病。
Another drug might incapacitate the mechanisms the bacteria use to divert lipids from the host cell to the chlamydial vacuole, halting the trespassers' ability to hide. 另一种药物,则是造成披衣菌挪用宿主细胞脂质的机制失效,使得这些非法入侵者无法藏匿。
Another dry and sunny day was forecast for the West Coast. Afternoon temperatures for the Desert Southwest were expected to again soar into the triple digits. 西海岸又一次预计会是干燥、阳光充足的天气。西南部沙漠在下午的温度预将再一次进入高升进入三位数。
Another earthquake has shook Indonesia today. 今天印尼又有一次余震。
Another eclipse,big war,guy goes to the underworld,gets put into a gem,you know,child king,and then another eclipse. 又是一次月食,一场大战,这家伙归了西,灵魂被吸到了宝石里,然后你们都知道啦,幼主的事,然后又是一次月食。
Another effect is caused by the fact that light rays of different wavelengths are not refracted, slowed down, equally. 另一种现象是不同波长的光线折射程度并不一致。
Another effect of the drama was to highlight the need for a new electoral law to replace the system of proportional representation that was imposed by Mr Berlusconi's government shortly before it was ousted in April 2006. 这场“闹剧”的另一个影响,就是孕育新的选举法尽快出台,以便代替现行的、由刚刚下野(2006年4月)不久的贝卢斯科尼政府通过的比例代表选举制。

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