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We find that when unit selling price, unit inventory disposal cost, or unit shortage cost is larger, or when unit production cost is appropriate, or when production setup cost is smaller, demand forecasting becomes more important.

We find that share percent of top 5 shareholders, control ability (or combined control ability) and balance degree (or combined balance degree) of bloekholders have important influence on tunneling of cash dividend distribution. 研究显示,前五大股东的持股比例、大股东控制力(或联合控制力)、大股东制衡度(或联合制衡度)对派发现金股利的“隧道效应”存在重要影响。
We find that the cast-iron pipe is only mildly corrosive and the indoor pipeline is just rust-eaten, but the seamless steel pipe corrodes badly. 结果表明:主干线灰口铸铁管整体状况良好,只有局部轻度腐蚀;庭院无缝钢管腐蚀较严重;户内管道大多存在不同程度的锈蚀。
We find that the likelihood of price stabilization is negatively related to the magnitude of the offer price, the amount of trading and the volatility of transaction returns, and positively related to the holding period return between the time when the of 我们发现现金增资股票亦存在安定操作现象,承销商对于现金增资股票的安定操作行为与发行证券之发行价格、交易量及价格波动性成反比,但与登记发行到正式发行期间之持有报酬成正比。
We find that the people gathered together at the street or square before the water gate. 我们发现人们聚在水闸大门前的街头或者广场。
We find that there is a stable positive relationship between growth and inflation, and there exists spillover effects from inflation to growth. 我国的经济增长率与通货膨胀率之间存在显著的正相关关系和波动性溢出效应。
We find that when unit selling price, unit inventory disposal cost, or unit shortage cost is larger, or when unit production cost is appropriate, or when production setup cost is smaller, demand forecasting becomes more important. 研究发现需求预测在以下情况中十分重要:(1)当单位售价、或单位存货处理成本、或单位商誉损失成本较大时,(2)当单位生産成本在某适当值时,(3)不生産前置成本较小时。
We find that, under a proportional tax deduction system, a nonzero deductible is obtained even though there are no variable costs for the insurer. 本文发现当政府对被保险人的净损失提供固定比例税赋抵减时,最适保险契约包含自负额以及共保,且当保险公司的变动成本为零时,最适自负额仍然不为零。
We find the FOREMAN at the head of the table, sorting votes. 首席陪审员在桌子一头整理投票。
We find the mother featured in the son. 我们发现这个儿子很象她母亲。
We find the movement velocity field and distribution of strain field in the middle Tianshan mountain relative to Eurasia plate by analyzing the continuous observation datum of GPS in the region. 摘要通过对天山中部地区连续多年的GPS观测分析,得到了该监测区相对欧亚板块的运动速度场及应变场分布情况。
We find the quality suitable (unsuitable) for our market. 产品质量适合(不适合)我们的市场。

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