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I was testing the keyboard for drool resistance.

I was taking stock of my career and I realized I still have a long way to go. 我对自己的事业进行了评估,发现需要做的事还太多了。
I was talking to her in the studio. 我那时正在工作室跟它谈话。
I was taught at an early age to clean, laundry, iron and cook! 我自小的时候就学会了扫地、洗衣服、熨衣服和做饭!
I was tearing at the moment when I finally finished making this book (that was 4 o'clock in the morning). 当我在凌晨四点,终于完成这本书的那一刹那,真是忍不住热泪盈眶啊!
I was terrified of the tiger when I first saw it. 我第一次看见老虎时吓坏了。
I was testing the keyboard for drool resistance. 我这是在测试键盘对口水的抵抗能力如何.
I was the best manager in Britain because I was never devious or cheated anyone. I'd break my wife's legs if I played against her, but I'd never cheat her. 我是英国最好的教练,因为我从来不欺骗别人.我可能会因为吵架而打断我老婆的腿,但是我绝对不会欺骗他.
I was the first to tell Zion, 'Look, here they are!' I gave to Jerusalem a messenger of good tidings. 27我首先对锡安说、看哪、我要将一位报好信息的赐给耶路撒冷。
I was the only one who noticed it. 注意到这一点的只有我一个人。
I was the only passenger on the bus. 我是这巴士里唯一的乘客。
I was the sperm that the bag's shouting, No! 我就是那个精虫袋(阴囊)里的小精虫,拼命喊:不要!

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