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Article 39 A producer of sound recordings or video recordings shall have the right to authorize others to reproduce and distribute his sound recordings or video recordings and the right to receive remuneration therefor.

Article 382 Any State functionary who, by taking advantage of his office, appropriates, steals, swindles public money or property or by other means illegally take it into his own possession shall be guilty of embezzlement. 第三百八十二条国家工作人员利用职务上的便利,侵吞、窃取、骗取或者以其他手段非法占有公共财物的,是贪污罪。
Article 384 Any State functionary who, by taking advantage of his position, misappropriates public funds for his own use or for conducting illegal activities, or misappropriates a relatively large amount of public funds for profit-making activities, or mi 第三百八十四条国家工作人员利用职务上的便利,挪用公款归个人使用,进行非法活动的,或者挪用公款数额较大、进行营利活动的,或者挪用公款数额较大、超过三个月未还的,是挪用公款罪,处五年以下有期徒刑或者拘役;情节严重的,处五年以上有期徒刑。
Article 385 Any State functionary who, by taking advantage of his position, extorts money or property from another person, or illegally accepts another person's money or property in return for securing benefits for the person shall be guilty of acceptance 第三百八十五条国家工作人员利用职务上的便利,索取他人财物的,或者非法收受他人财物,为他人谋取利益的,是受贿罪。
Article 39 A branch refers to the institution engaged in business activities which is set up by a company in another domicile. 第三十九条分公司是指公司在其住所以外设立的从事经营活动的机构。
Article 39 A legal person's domicile shall be the place where its main administrative office is located. 第三十九条法人以它的主要办事机构所在地为住所。
Article 39 A producer of sound recordings or video recordings shall have the right to authorize others to reproduce and distribute his sound recordings or video recordings and the right to receive remuneration therefor. 第三十九条录音录像制作者对其制作的录音录像制品,享有许可他人复制发行并获得报酬的权利。
Article 39 Administrative authorities which have failed to perform their duties, shifted their responsibilities to others, conducted in a perfunctory manner or delayed decision may be reprimanded publicly by the higher administrative authorities.Those res 第三十九条行政机关在信访工作中不履行职责、推诿、敷衍、拖延的,上级行政机关可以通报批评,并视情节对有关责任人员依法给予行政处分。
Article 39 After a fire is extinguished, public security fire control institutions shall, based on need, have the right to seal up fire site, be responsible for investigation, identify fire cause, check and ratify fire losses and find out responsibilities 第三十九条火灾扑灭后,公安消防机构有权根据需要封闭火灾现场,负责调查、认定火灾原因,核定火灾损失,查明火灾事故责任。
Article 39 Anyone who commits forgery distortion of certificates of country of origin or license for import or export shall be subject to criminal prosecution under Article 167 of the Criminal Law. 买卖进出口原产地证明、进出口许可证或者买卖伪造、变造的进出口原产地证明、进出口许可证,比照刑法第一百六十七条的规定追究刑事责任。
Article 39 At the location of water withdrawal, a water right owner shall install a water quantity measurement device and compile and file an annual water usage record based on monthly water usage and actual volume in use. 第39条(水权人之义务)水权人应在取水地点装置量水设备,并将全年之逐月用水情形、实用水量,填具用水纪录表报查。
Article 39 Directors of coal mine administrations, managers of coal mines and other chief leading members of coal mining enterprises must abide by the laws and regulations governing safety of mines and the safety rules and regulations for the coal industr 第三十九条矿务局长、矿长及煤矿企业的其他主要负责人必须遵守有关矿山安全的法律、法规和煤炭行业安全规章、规程,加强对煤矿安全生产工作的管理,执行安全生产责任制度,采取有效措施,防止伤亡和其他安全生产事故的发生。

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