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To start off, you'll want to purchase some land from a Real Estate Agent for 1,000gp.

To standardize the administration of the tax refund (exemption), the SAT issued the Trial Measures according to PRC Tax Administration and Collection Law, the Detailed Rules of PRC Tax Administration and Collection Law, the PRC Provisional Regulations on 为规范出口货物退(免)税管理,根据《中华人民共和国税收征收管理法》、《中华人民共和国税收征收管理法实施细则》、《中华人民共和国增值税暂行条例》、《中华人民共和国消费税暂行条例》以及国家其他有关出口货物退(免)税规定,国家税务总局制订了《出口货物退(免)税管理办法(试行)》。
To start a family is indeed a serious matter ; it is not a spur-of the-moment decision. 成家确是一件严肃的事,不是出于一时冲动的决定。
To start a family sometimes could be perplexing or complicated. 成个家有时是件困惑或复杂的事。
To start a second experiment in the hopes of counteracting the first would be risky, to put it mildly. 而说得委婉一些,如果人类想在进行第二种试验时对气候变化的正常状态有任何阻碍或影响将是非常危险行为.
To start business, I'll try to talk them into accepting a 3.5% reduction, if you agree. 为了做成生意,如果您同意的话,我试着说服他们接受3。5%的降价。
To start off, you'll want to purchase some land from a Real Estate Agent for 1,000gp. 首先,你一定要购买一些土地由房地产经纪人为1000采购.
To start the ball rolling, we will provide you with price lists, catalogues and some samples. 作为开始,我们愿意给你方提供价目单、目录册和一些样品。
To start the concert, Ah Mui performed a few of her own famous songs, such as This is it, Hold tight the one around, Drunk in dreamsand etc, then Heart Debt, Which Day, the 40th nightand Jacky Cheung's Lee Hong Kamand etc. all marvelous pieces. 在个唱的伊始,梅姐先唱了多首自己的名曲,如「是这样的」、「抱紧眼前人」及「梦里共醉」等,其后又唱了「心债」、「何日」、「第四十夜」及张学友的「李香兰」等佳作。
To start the oxidation reaction of glaoxal smoothly, it is usefull to add some alcohol (CH3CH2OH) to nitric acid. 摘要爲使乙二醛的氧化反应平稳地啓动,可在浓硝酸中加入少量乙醇。
To start this market, the lever of ethic appraisal should he effectively used and an active measure of financial interposition should be taken. 启动农村消费市场必须有效运用伦理评价杠杆和进行积极地金融介入。
To start up a computer, making it ready to operate. 打开电脑使之可以运行。

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