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A vertical or horizontal bar containing a scroll thumb and nudge buttons.

A version of Gyokuhou with shorter hair. The facial proportions look creepy, especially since this was the first time coloring in lips other than for a character wearing makeup. 剪了头发的旭凰。她的脸看起来很怪﹐特别因为这是第一次为一个不化妆的人上嘴脣的颜色。
A version of the device, expected to be commercially marketed soon, has restored balance to those whose vestibular systems in the inner ear were destroyed by antibiotics. 有望不久能作为商品上市的这套视觉设备有储存平衡的功能,为那些内耳前庭系统遭抗生素损伤的人们带来了福音。
A version of the software consists of a number of directories in which files reside. 这个版本的软件包含了大量(这个软件的)文件所在的目录.
A version of the syllabus and calendar is also available that lists all aspects of each class together. 亦可取得详列每堂课程内容的教学大纲与进度表。
A vertical line is drawn to correspond with the price range for the day,while a horizontal“tick”pointing to the left reveals the opening price,and a tick to the right indicates the closing price. 该图形用一条坚线表示当天价格波动的范围,再在坚线的左侧用一条小横线表示开盘价,在右侧用一条小横线表示收盘价。
A vertical or horizontal bar containing a scroll thumb and nudge buttons. 一个纵向或横向的包含了卷轴和按钮的条状控件。
A vertical or nearly vertical line or plane. 垂直线,垂直面垂直或近似垂直的线或平面
A vertical sandwich deep trench with a field limiting ring is proposed to improve the breakdown voltage of power devices and high voltage devices. 摘要提出一种二氧化矽/多晶矽/二氧化矽夹心深槽场限制环新结构来提高晶体管的击穿电压。
A vertical section of fabric; a gore. 编织品的垂直部分;三角形布
A vertical submerged pump with elegant profile, directly mounted at the reservoir of medium to be delivered, with no additional floor space required to economize infrastructural construction investment. 泵为立式液下泵,外形美观,直接安装在被输送介质的储存器上,无额外占地面积,从而降低了基建投入。
A vertical support at the center of a circular staircase. 螺旋楼梯中柱环行楼梯中间的垂直支撑

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