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And some said, What would this babbler wish to say?

And some of them were persuaded and joined Paul and Silas, along with a large number of the God-fearing Greeks and a number of the leading women. 徒17:4他们中间有些人听了劝、就附从保罗和西拉.并有许多虔敬的希利尼人、尊贵的妇女也不少。
And some of these improvements change the character of what it is like to be browsing. 而且一些进步改变它是什麽的个性喜欢浏览。
And some of those standing by heard this and said, Behold, He is calling for Elijah. 35旁边站着的人,有的听见就说,看哪,祂呼叫以利亚。
And some of those with insight will fall, in order to refine the people and to purify and cleanse them, until the time of the end, for the end is still at the appointed time. 35通达人中有些跌倒的,为要熬炼百姓,使他们纯净洁白,直到末时,因为到了定期,结局才来到。
And some phones can store music files. 而且一些手机能储存音乐文件。
And some said, What would this babbler wish to say? 有的说,他似乎是传说异邦鬼神的。
And some say residents need to work as much as they can so they can become good doctors. 并且一些说居民需要工作尽量像他们能作的那样完美因此他们能变成好医生。
And some scientists suspect that the acidification of the ocean (or more properly, the reduction in the ocean's slightly alkaline state) also tends to prompt such episodes. 有些科学家认为,海洋酸化(更精确来说,是海洋的微硷状态减弱)也可能导致珊瑚白化。
And some suggestions for gate vibration study are made. 并对进一步做好水工闸门的振动研究工作提出了建议。
And some tested supplements were contaminated with cadmium or lead. 该网站所附录的一个试验还表明,这些草药还被镉或铅污染。
And some there be who know the face of Ugliness, and the cloth conceals him not from their eyes. 有些人认得丑的真面目,衣衫蒙骗不了他们的眼睛。

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