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“In any case, I didn't see anything because I was in the locker room – celebrating with my teammates,” concluded Ledesma.

“In addition, the governments of countries of origin have become more proactive in encouraging the return of their citizens and strengthening ties with their expatriate communities. “此外,在鼓励公民归国并加强与海外移民社团的联系方面,移民的原住国政府已变得更为主动。”
“In all of our planning I like to feel that we adventurously live on the fringe of the Great Creative Unknown,but if we are properly armed with facts we are always better prepared to enter it. 在企划的过程里,我喜欢在伟大创意未知国度边缘冒险的感觉;但只要懂得利用事实为器,我们就有机会攻城掠地。
“In an age of spin, al-Sahaf offers feeling and authenticity. “在一个旋转的时代,只有萨哈夫给我们提供感觉和真实。
“In another type of prediction, an Immediate Alert, seismic waves above a certain threshold send an electronic alert, which, with a lead time of several seconds, can be used for such things as shutting down nuclear reactors, gas and electricity grids, and “在另一种类型的预测中,即即震报警,超过一定限度的震波将发出电子报警,比发震时间有几秒钟的提前量,可以用于关闭核电站反应堆、燃气和电力网等。
“In any case we are ready, we can cause them trouble, we must only avoid letting Roma take the initiative. 在任何情况下我们都已做好准备,我们可以给他们带来麻烦,我们必须避免让罗马主动.
“In any case, I didn't see anything because I was in the locker room – celebrating with my teammates,” concluded Ledesma. 无论如何,我没有看见任何的事情,因为我当时正在更衣室中跟我的队友庆祝比赛的胜利莱德斯马说道.
“In any case, in this type of football it isn't easy to separate first team regulars from the reserves – the first team is formed by 23-24 players at big clubs. 不论如何,在现行的足球模式先,要将预备队员和正式队员区分开时不可能的,在大的俱乐部里,一队是由23-24个人组成的。
“In any case,” she said with a sigh, “I have to bring your papa some kind of answer. 她叹着气说:“无论如何,我得给你爸带个你的答复回去。”
“In both historiography and psychoanalysis, we are concerned with interpretation in the most fundamental sense of the word. 应作「在历史编纂和精神分析中,我们关注的都是在最根本意义上的诠释(,也就是说,我们关注的不是一般意义上的、这个或那个诠释)。」
“In conclusion, our findings identify CHI3L1 as a potential schizophrenia-susceptibility gene,” write the authors. “Our results . . . support the proposal that genes involved in biological response to adverse environmental conditions play roles in the pre “总而言之,我们的发现鉴定出CHI3L1是一个潜在的精神分裂症易感基因”作者写道,“我们的结果,支持了负责机体对不利环境条件产生生物反应的基因在精神分裂症的易感性中起作用的提议。”
“In every game, you see players jumping over the keeper, players avoiding the keeper or going with the foot to the ball. “每场比赛,你都会看到球员跳起躲开门将,或者球员避开门将,或者球员先碰到球。

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