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The flame use oxyacetylene or other burnt gases , for this method, the equipment is simple, the operation is easy, but the difficulty is large.

The flame met the earthen lamp in one, and what a great marvel of light! 火焰邂逅瓦灯并从此结合,创造出多么光明的奇迹呀!
The flame of the blowpipe, heated to a temperature of 2050°C, transforms the alumina into stone with the addition of oxygen and hydrogen. 用吹氧管喷出的高达摄氏2,050度的火焰,将铝氧粉烧结成含氧和氢的人造石。
The flame of the candle wavered. 蜡烛的火焰摇曳了一下。
The flame retardant techniques, the research and application of halogen-and phosphorus-containing flame retardants for flame retardant polyester fibers, and thermal stability and flame retardancy of nano-layered silicates/polyester composite had been summ 摘要综述了聚酯纤维阻燃化处理方法,分析了卤系和磷系阻燃剂及其对聚酯的阻燃改性作用,以及聚酯/无机纳米复合材料的热稳定性与阻燃性。
The flame symbolizes the continuity between the ancient and modern Games. 圣火象征着奥林匹克运动丛古至今的延续性。
The flame use oxyacetylene or other burnt gases , for this method, the equipment is simple, the operation is easy, but the difficulty is large. 火焰采用氧—乙炔火焰或其它可燃气体火焰,这种方法设备简单,操作容易,但难度较大。
The flame-retarded polymeric materials with good flame retardancy and physical-mechanical properties can be obtained by using a combination of nanoinorganics and conventional flame retardants. 摘要将纳米无机材料与常规阻燃剂结合使用,可制得兼具良好阻燃性及物理机械性能的阻燃高分子材料。
The flamenco craze began to spread all over the world. 佛拉曼科舞迅速风靡全世界。
The flames devoured the entire building. 火焰吞没了整栋大楼。
The flames of my rage will incinerate you! 狂暴的火焰将把你熔为灰烬!
The flames quickly consumed the cottage. 火很快地烧毁了那座茅屋。

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