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Objective To determine the effect of nylestriol and levonorgestrel on mRNA expression of OPG/OPGL in MG-63 cell lines,and to explore whether the paracrine effect is involved in the regulation course.
目的 :观察不同浓度的尼尔雌醇 (NYL)和左炔诺孕酮 (LNG)对MG 6 3细胞株OPG/OPGL表达的作用 ,探讨旁分泌效应对其表达的影响。

Objective:To investigate the inheritance mode of familial type 2 diabetes and to study the changes of blood glucose and lipid levels in normal siblings. 目的 :探索家族性 2型糖尿病的遗传方式及家族性 2型糖尿病家系一级亲属正常糖耐量同胞的血糖血脂代谢变化。
Objective: To observe the effects of Zhichuanxiaoke strong solution on the immunity and irritability of mice. 目的 :观察浓止喘消咳液对小鼠免疫力和应激性的影响。
Objective:Investigation of the effects of extract from longyanshen on spleen asthenia animal models. 目的 :观察龙眼参提取物对脾虚小鼠的治疗作用。
Objective: To observe the effect and mechanism of Buzhong Yiqi Pills on blood pressure in the model rats of spleen-deficiency. 目的 :观察复制大鼠脾虚模型血压的变化及补中益气丸对其血压的影响 ,探讨其机理。
Objective: To observe the inhibitory effect of scopolamine(Spm) and chlopromazine (Clo) on withdrawal syndromes in morphine dependent rats. 目的 :观察东莨菪碱 (scopolamine,Spm )和氯丙嗪 (chlopromazine,Clo)对吗啡戒断反应的影响。
Objective To determine the effect of nylestriol and levonorgestrel on mRNA expression of OPG/OPGL in MG-63 cell lines,and to explore whether the paracrine effect is involved in the regulation course. 目的 :观察不同浓度的尼尔雌醇 (NYL)和左炔诺孕酮 (LNG)对MG 6 3细胞株OPG/OPGL表达的作用 ,探讨旁分泌效应对其表达的影响。
Progress in Research on the Deformation and Fixation of Bendcd Wood and Wood-based Composites; 木材及木质复合材料的弯曲变形与固定的研究进展
A Novel Capillary Electrophoresis Method for Rapid Determination of Paeonol in Cortex moutan; 牡丹皮中有效成分丹皮酚的毛细管电泳快速检测新方法
Study of extraction technology of paeonol in Cortex Moutan; 牡丹皮中丹皮酚的提取工艺研究
The hyper order and fixed points of the derivatives of solutions for some higher order linear differential equation; 某类高阶线性微分方程解的导函数的不动点与超级
The effect of open type management and vocational training under a imitating family environment on rehabilitative Schizophrenics; 模拟家庭环境开放式管理及技能训练对住院精神分裂症患者康复的影响

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