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Also, severe biofouling, physical abrasion, and chemical etching of the glass may erode the sensing surface.

Also, researchers say women with early stage ovarian cancer may urinate [usually] more often or with greater urgency. 研究人员还声称卵巢癌早期女患者会可能会尿频,尿急。
Also, researchers say women with early stage ovarian cancer may usually (urinate) more often or with rater (greater) urgency. 研究者也说早期卵巢癌患者小便频繁或者急促。
Also, researchers say women with early-stage ovarian cancer may urinate more often or with greater urgency. 研究者同样也指出早期卵巢癌患者可能会尿频或尿急。
Also, running all the tests for the system becomes a painstaking manual process. 此外,运行系统的每一项测试将成为一个艰苦的手工过程。
Also, scientists from Memphis and China's Qinling Mountains will work together to study the giant pandas' diet. 以此同时,美国的孟斐斯和来自中国秦岭山脉的科学家联手合作、研究大熊猫的生活环境与饮食习惯。
Also, severe biofouling, physical abrasion, and chemical etching of the glass may erode the sensing surface. 严重的玻璃生物淤积、物理磨损和化学腐蚀可能影响感觉表面。
Also, since Bicon's abutment posts have the possibility of 360° universal positioning, extra-oral cementation of a crown is practical. 尤其拜肯支台的栓柱拥有360°广阔安置的可能性,在口腔外粘固比较实际。
Also, some Mayan groups froze their New Year to July 26, when Sirius rises in that part of the world. 同样,某些玛雅团体冻结他们的新年为7月26日,这个时候天狼星在世界的一些地方升起来。
Also, some theories with sociological meanings are reviewed, especially the concept of civil societyand the concept of local society. 在理论的意义上,将对「市民社会」作为解释清末中国城市发生质疑,而较接近以地域社会概念作为分析工具。
Also, some women's brains are wired to interpret anger and petulance as love because of their early negative experiences with men. 另外,因为一些女性和男性早起的消极经历,她们的大脑因爱生狠,还要耍性子,从而让她们感到兴奋。
Also, sometimes, intelligent. With a function that can be established or changed by means of a program;(a programmable terminal;a programmable machine tool). 其功能可以利用程序建立或改变的,有时也称智能的(例如“一个可编程终端”,“一个可编程的机床”)。

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