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Marks is in charge of conservation of the basilica and its bell tower whose history goes back to the 12th century.

Markopoulou Kalamara found that by attaching light cones to the nodes of the networks, their evolution becomes finite and causal structure is preserved. 马可波罗–卡拉马拉则发现,若将光锥并入自旋网络的节点内,它们的演化结果就不是无限的,因果结构也得以保留。
Markov Switching heteroscedasticity model can capture this feature very well for all six countries, the modified Markov Switching heteroscedasticity model introduced here not only performs extremely well in modeling the volatility behavior of the growth r 为了能够同时刻划景气非线性、共同波动行为及景气波动的变异行为等三个特徵,我们进一步修正实证模型,并以台湾为例进行探讨。
Markov chain monte carlo simulation (MCMC) was taken to sample the posterior distribution to get the marginal posterior probability function of the parameters, and the statistical quantities such as the mathematic expectation were calculated. 通过马尔科夫链蒙特卡罗模拟对后验分布进行了采样,获得了参数的后验边缘概率密度,并在此基础上获得了参数的数学期望等统计量。
Markovnikov's rule is contrary to anti-Markovnikov's rule in surface, but both of them have the inherent unity. 摘要马氏规则和反马氏规则表面相反,但两者有内在的统一性。
Marks at the lower end need to be levelled up. 低分的一端分数需往上提.
Marks is in charge of conservation of the basilica and its bell tower whose history goes back to the 12th century. 负责监管钟楼的威尼斯官员埃特罗说:“钟楼在逐渐倾斜,我们不知道今后会发生什么可怕情况。”
Marks of Honor earned from battlegrounds are no longer turned in for reputation or honor. They are now used in addition to honor points in order to purchase rewards. 从战场获得的荣誉奖章不再能用来换声望。他们现在被用于和荣誉点数一起来采购奖励物品。
Marksman: Arrow knights go through rigorous training. 神射手:羽箭骑士要经过严酷的训练。
Mark:Oh, that's too bad. Is it necessary for you to go to cram school? 马克:噢,那太糟了。你有需要去补习吗?
Marla gave him a slight apologetic smile but did as he suggested. 玛丽对他歉意地一笑,真的按照他的建议打了电话。
Marla grinned as she answered “Yes. 玛丽咧嘴一笑,又一个“是的”。

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