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“The redefinition,” Horowitz says, “is a task uniquely performed by the young. It is they alone who combine invention and exaggeration, reason and motion, word and sound, music and politics.

“The questions we ask are about the suitability of the role. 我们问的问题都是关于角色的适应性。
“The ranger gains a +2 bonus on Bluff, Listen, Sense Motive, Spot, and Survival checks when using these skills against creatures of this type. 我的理解是,只在唬骗,聆听,察言观色,侦察,和生存这几个技能对抗上有树敌加值。
“The real advances in our business come from people who build instruments and put them on spacecraft and send them to the planets,” he says. “I worked on Voyager; I worked on Magellan. 「我们这一行真正的进展,来自那些建构仪器并把它们放进太空船送到各行星去的人。」
“The real surprise has been that the highest real oil prices in more than 25 years did not inflict more serious economic damage, with growth not falling below 4 per cent in any of the main economies of the region,” the report said. “真正意外的是,25年多来的最高实际油价,没有造成更严重的经济损失,该地区主要经济体没有一个增长率跌至4%以下,”该报告称。
“The reason we start a war is to fight a war, win a war. Thereby causing no more war. “我们发动战争的原因就是为了去打仗,并且打赢战争。因此就不会再有战争了。”
“The redefinition,” Horowitz says, “is a task uniquely performed by the young. It is they alone who combine invention and exaggeration, reason and motion, word and sound, music and politics. 他说:“重新解释是一项只有青年人才能执行的任务。只有他们才把创造与夸张、理性与运动、言语与声音、音乐与政治融为一体。”
“The rehabilitation of the cabin became a necessity” (Bret Harte). “小屋的重新修建已是不可避免的了”(布雷特·哈特)。
“The report that first reached us through the newspapers was meager and contradictory” (Thomas B. Aldrich). “最初通过报纸传到我们这里的报道既不全面又互相矛盾”。
“The requirements for a system will always be in a state of flux. (系统的需求总是处于流动不定的状态。
“The resting thing can happen. “有一些事情会发生。
“The result of the game doesn't make a champion or decide that the loser cannot be champion,” he said afterwards. “There's dozens and dozens of matches to play. “比赛结果并不能决定冠军的归属,失败了并不能说明与冠军无缘,”赛后穆里尼奥说,“还有很多的比赛要踢。

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