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Wei Chuangzhong, the vice minister of Administration for Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine, said Thursday that a Chinese company had sold the industrial solvent TD glycerinto a Spanish company, which then sold it to Panamanian companies.

Weertman's troubling conclusion was that any ice sheet that fills a marine basin is inherently unstable when global sea level is on the rise, which most scientists agree has been the case for the past 20,000 years. 惠特曼提出忧心的结论,他认为当全球海平面上升时(绝大多数科学家同意过去两万年来正是这种情况),任何填积海洋盆地的冰原本质上都不稳定。
Wegener's granulomatosis is a necrotizing vasculitis. 摘要韦格纳氏肉芽肿是一种坏死性血管炎。
Wehle's 5.47-carat diamond is bright yellow and has no visible flaws, said Tom Stolarz, park superintendent. It is the second-largest gem unearthed this year at the park. 这家公园的负责人汤姆·斯托拉尔兹表示,威勒找到的那块重达5.47克拉的钻石的外表呈明黄色且用肉眼看不出有任何瑕疵存在。而从重量角度来看,这也是该公园今年内出土的第二大宝石。
Wehther he is here or not will make no difference to our work. 他在不在对我们的工作没有影响。
Wei Chongkui, Cheng Lizhi. An image quality measure scheme in the perceptual field via masking. Journal of Image and Graphics, 9(2004)2, 195 – 200, (in Chinese). 魏崇奎,成礼智.一种基于掩盖效应的感知域图像质量评价方法.中国图象图形学报,9(2004)2,195–200,(inChinese).
Wei Chuangzhong, the vice minister of Administration for Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine, said Thursday that a Chinese company had sold the industrial solvent TD glycerinto a Spanish company, which then sold it to Panamanian companies. 中国国家质量检验检疫总局副局长魏传忠星期四说,中国一家公司将一种工业溶剂甘油出售给西班牙的一家公司,然后这家公司又转售给巴拿马一些公司。
Wei Chuanzhong, the vice minister of Administration for Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine, said Thursday that a Chinese company had sold the industrial solvent TD glycerinto a Spanish company, which then sold it to Panamanian companies. 中国国家质量检验检疫总局副局长魏传忠星期四说,中国一家公司将一种工业溶剂甘油出售给西班牙的一家公司,然后这家公司又转售给巴拿马一些公司。
Wei Futang, 63, a former coal miner, spoke up: Beautiful land should have two things — water and mountains. Without water a beautiful village can turn ugly very fast. 63岁的魏福堂(译音)说,美好的家园应该有山有水,一个漂亮的村子没有水可能很快就会丑陋起来。
Wei Jianguo, a ice-minister for commerce, the ministry responsible for trade, said China would establish negotiating groups “as soon as possible” coering oil, alumina and copper, in the same way it did for iron ore this year. 商务部负责贸易工作的副部长魏建国表示,中国将参照今年的铁矿石统一谈判模式,“尽快”启动原油、氧化铝、铜精矿等商品的联合对外谈判机制。
Wei Jianguo, a vice-minister for commerce, the ministry responsible for trade, said China would establish negotiating groups “as soon as possible” covering oil, alumina and copper, in the same way it did for iron ore this year. 商务部负责贸易工作的副部长魏建国表示,中国将参照今年的铁矿石统一谈判模式,“尽快”启动原油、氧化铝、铜精矿等商品的联合对外谈判机制。
Wei Ming has been all over china by plane. 魏明已经坐飞机游遍了中国。

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