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A variety of coatings may be provided on request to resist corrosion or abrasion.

A variation on question 5 above: write an essay discussing the development of the made-for-television film, using The Name of the Game as a precursor example and drawing on our archive of TV movies. 第5题的一个变形:写一篇论文来考察为电视制作的电影的发展,将《游戏名称》作为先驱性案例,并以我们关于电视电影的档案文件作为参考。
A varicose enlargement or swelling. 静脉曲张的肥大或肿胀。
A variety of aldehydes were converted into acylals in good yields with anhydride in the presence of a catalytic amount of zinc bromide under solvent-free conditions. 以醛和酸酐为原料,溴化锌为催化剂,无溶剂条件下高产率地合成了偕二酸酯(其中醛与苯甲酸酐的反应是首次报道)。
A variety of artificial fertilizers have been developed. 人们发明了各种人造化肥。
A variety of chemical carcinogens as diverse as benzene, cigarette smoke, and nitrites can initiate and/or promote this process. 多种多样的化学致癌物如苯、吸烟、亚硝酸盐都能够引起(和)或促进肿瘤的发生。
A variety of coatings may be provided on request to resist corrosion or abrasion. 可以根据耐腐蚀或耐研磨要求提供各种涂层。
A variety of investment companies, such as fixed assets, value securities, liquid assets, intangible assets, human capital, information technology, risks etc. 一个公司的投资种类繁多,如对固定资产、有价证券、流动资产、无形资产、人力资本、信息技术、风险等的投资。
A variety of item costs have been modified. 多种物品价格调整。
A variety of other Allied fighters followed to give further bombardment. 多国部队其他各种战机紧随其后,开始了进一步轰炸。
A variety of other practical training have been provided for selected officers throughout the year : shotgun training for 696 officers, revolver qualifications for 29 woman officers, induction course for Enhanced Command and Control Computer System ( ECAC 在过去一年,辅警队为同僚安排了不同类型的实务训练,计有696人接受雷明登散弹枪训练及29位女警参与枪械训练、第二代指挥及控制电脑系统训练班,令为数三百五十人的通讯组亦得以重新成立而在各总区指挥及控制中心服务。
A variety of pest control methods that include repairs, traps, bait, poison, etc. to eliminate pests. 一系列包括各种各样的害虫控制方法如陷井、诱饵、毒物等以消灭虫害。

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