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Sampson Brothers Loft always has birds for sale. We are experienced at exporting to many countries and have satisfied customers world wide! Contact Us.

Sampling frequency and time constant of phase-locked amplifier were increased by using microcomputer. 采用计算机采样,提高了采样频率和锁相放大器的时间常数。
Sampling from 834 employees from 169 private business setting, we found competence and social capital positively and directly influence OCB. 本研究采用问卷法收集资料,研究对象为组织基层员工,共针对169家民营机构发出1200份问卷,有效回收样本为834份。
Sampling rate is 32 points per cycle, parallel real-time calculation could be done for all relays (including main protection, back-up protection, and abnormal operating protection) within one sampling period, so makes it has very high reliability and spee 装置采样率为每周32点,且在每个采样间隔内对所有继电器(包括主保护、后备保护、异常运行保护)进行并行实时计算,使得装置具有很高的可靠性及动作速度。
Sampling: grade and staple: 10% to be sampled at random for each lot of bales; micronaire and strength: one half of the 10% is to be sampled at random for each bunch of bales. 抽样:品级、长度:从每批棉包中随机抽样10%;马克隆值和强度:从品级、长度抽取的样品中随机抽取其样品总量的一半,作为马克隆值和强力的检验样品。
Sampras went to the back of the line, embarrassed, and never did it again. 桑普拉斯又十分尴尬的回到了队伍中,从此再也没有那么做了。
Sampson Brothers Loft always has birds for sale. We are experienced at exporting to many countries and have satisfied customers world wide! Contact Us. 山普森兄弟鸽舍时常有鸽子待售。对于鸽子出口我们有丰富的经验,客户遍及全球!
Samsara is not the problem, the attachment to them and lack of wisdom is. 轮迴本身不是问题,而是执取和无明造作轮迴的苦因。
Samson grasped the two middle pillars on which the house rested, and braced himself against them, the one with his right hand and the other with his left. 士16:30说、我情愿与非利士人同死.就尽力屈身、房子倒塌、压住首领和房内的众人。这样、参孙死时所杀的人、比活著所杀的还多。
Samson was a strongman who let himself be led astray by a Jezebel like Delilah. 参孙是个大力士。他让他自己被像大力拉的耶洗别带入歧途。
Samson went down to Timnah and saw there a young Philistine woman. 1参孙下到亭拿,在那里看见一个女子,是非利士人的女儿。
Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. has named a new executive to head its bread-and-butter memory division, after posting its worst net profit in four years last week. 韩国三星电子公司任命了一位新主管来领导核心的存储部门。该公司刚在上周公布了4年来最低的净利数字。

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