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The characteristic of top soil will changed by splash erosion and surface erosion, accordingly to alert the route of runoff and seepage and work to unconsistenty of soil erosion.

The characteristic of phased-mission system is discussed with combat task flow of a combat unit as example in this article, and under a certain power guideline, the method of founding the ammo equipping model form the point of view of the system's reliabi 以某作战单元的一次作战任务流程为例,详细地讨论了多阶段复杂任务系统的特点,并从基本任务阶段的系统可信性、可用度的角度出发,分析了在满足给定火力指标的前提下,建立整个复杂作战任务流程中弹药配备模型的方法。
The characteristic of stresses in design by analysis, such as the self-limiting, the redistribution of load (stress) and the types of distribution through thickness will be discussed to co-workers at home and abroad. 摘要对分析设计中各类应力的特性,如自限性和载荷(应力)再分布、各类应力沿壁厚分布的类型等和国内外同行进行讨论。
The characteristic of the contemporary company law is the separation of ownership and managerial authority of enterprise, and the gradual shift of shareholder-center to band-director-center, so the directors, as the manager and representative of the compa 摘要现代公司法的显著特征是企业所有权与经营权相分离,股东会中心主义逐渐向董事会中心主义发展变迁,作为对内管理公司事务、对外代表公司的董事,其在公司经营管理活动中的权利日益膨胀。
The characteristic of this philosophy is to consider being (consciousness) together with the other issues and is part of the thought systems of the vast Vedic religion of Hinduism. 这种哲学的主要特征被认为是(知觉),连同着其他问题在一起,是印度巨大的吠陀梵语宗教的思想体系的其中一部分。
The characteristic of this store is offering 24 houres severce. 这家商店的特点是昼夜服务.
The characteristic of top soil will changed by splash erosion and surface erosion, accordingly to alert the route of runoff and seepage and work to unconsistenty of soil erosion. 弃土场坡面地表土壤特性随着降雨击溅和径流冲刷的作用而发生变化,从而影响区域内径流和渗流途经,造成坡面产流的不一致性。
The characteristic property of a transient operation is that something is changing with time. 非稳态操作的本质特征就是某变量是时间的函数。
The characteristic smell of a wine or liqueur; bouquet. 芳香葡萄酒或酒有特点的气味;酒香
The characteristic sound uttered by cattle; a moo. (牛)哞哞的叫声牛发出的典型声音,哞哞叫
The characteristic style doors overlaid antique white oak PVC, are warm and simple. 特色门板边型吸附仿古白橡木PVC,柔和且淳朴的。
The characteristic traits or customs of Occidental peoples. 西洋风味西方人习惯或品质性格特征

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