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The heat quantity given off from floor surface with different floor materials and different floor structure is calculated.

The heat of the Bodhisattva will often be so great that one will drip sweat from one's forehead or down one's back as the kundahlini flares while releasing karma, or anchoring space for an event or healing session. 菩萨级提升者经常会如此大量地出汗,当昆达里尼在释放业力或为一次活动及疗愈会议锚定空间而暴燃时,汗水甚至会滴落前额或洇湿后背。
The heat of the fire would make the goose's feet swell up, and the blood would run into its feet as the goose was cooked to death. 火的热量让鹅掌渐渐肿胀,血都涌进它的脚掌里,鹅就这样活活地被烤死了。
The heat outside is unbearable. 外面的高温真让人难以忍受。
The heat produced in brown fat can actually be imaged using a thermal (infrared) camera. 棕色脂肪的产热可由红外线摄影机呈像观察。
The heat pulse, however, has time to travel a few millimeters at most into the meteorite's interior, so organisms buried deep in the rock would certainly survive. 然而,热脉冲最多只来得及向陨石内部行进数公釐,因此埋藏于岩石深处的有机体必能存活。
The heat quantity given off from floor surface with different floor materials and different floor structure is calculated. 摘要用数值计算的方法计算了不同地面层材料和不同地板层结构的地表散热量。
The heat reflect from the white sand forme a mirage. 热气经白色的沙面反射形成了蜃景。
The heat reflected from the white sand formed a mirage. 热气经白色的沙面反射形成了蜃景.
The heat resource is analyzed with the data of the daily mean temperature of the meteorological stations in Pengzhou city. 摘要利用彭州市境内市气象站、新兴、白果坪的日平均气温资料,进行热量资源分析。
The heat resources management was oriented to the forest resources administrator of a county or a city, and was aimed to design a transfer management model which integrated forest resources transfer business process, such as application, approval, investi 摘要以县(市)级森林资源管理层为主要用户对象,以森林资源流转申请、审批、调查评估、信息发布、权证办理和作业设计等环节于一体的森林资源流转管理模式为目标,采用软件工程的方法,在大量的需求调查与分析基础上,制定了森林资源流转办公系统的业务流程、数据流程和功能结构,并开发了集先进性、实用性、安全性、开放性、通用性与个性化相统一的软件平台。
The heat source may be steam, heat conduction oil, electricity or coal (oil) hot air furnace. 热源可采用蒸汽、导热油、电或燃煤(油)热风炉配套。

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