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From August 2003 to June 2004 furthered his studies at University of Wisconsin-La Crosse (UW-L), USA.

From April we will have an interview at enroll office of our own school and Qian Jia Stree main school district on weekends. 我校每年从4月份开始在校招生办(华一本校或武昌千家街校区)进行双休日新生面试。
From Aristotle to modern times, Genre is basically limited in the category which includes Lyric poetry, Narrative poetry and Drama. 从亚里士多德开始到当代,文类大都被界定在由史诗类、抒情诗歌类、戏剧类构成的诗的的艺术的范畴之内,而摈弃了实用性、无韵的散文。
From Art Decco to The Grateful Dead, and the center of the dot-com boom at the end of the century, there has never been a dull moment in this picturesque city by the Bay. 旧金山是美国最重要的几个对亚洲贸易的港口,这里也是西岸的金融中心,并是西部重要的观光城市之一,一年大约接待一千三百万观光人次。
From Atheists to Zoroastrianism, this topic is for those interested in any religion or belief system, including none at all. 目前那是3兴趣团体活跃在这主题之下宗教;信仰.要参加,首先您必须参加这些其中之一的社群或是建立属于您自己的.
From August 1980 to December 1986, 1250 eyes of 993 patients received cataracter extraction and anterior chamber intraocular lens implantation in Chang Gung Memorial Hospital, the incidence of pupillary block was 2.5% (31/1250). 摘要长庚医院自1980年8月至1986年12月共有白内障患者993人(1250只眼)接受白内障手术和前房人工水晶体植入术,瞳孔阻塞发生率为2.5%(31只眼)。
From August 2003 to June 2004 furthered his studies at University of Wisconsin-La Crosse (UW-L), USA. 2003年8月至2004年6月作为访问学者到美国威斯康辛拉克罗斯大学进修学习。
From August to October, the NCA, the Ministry of Public Security and the Ministry of the Information Industry will combine to crack down on online piracy. 国家版权局、公安部、信息产业部决定自8月至10月底在全国范围内开展为期3个月的打击网络侵权盗版专项行动。
From August, 1985 to August, 1995: I worked in Gucheng animal husbandry and veterinary station , responsible for animal husbandry technology training and the promotion. 1985年8月至1995年8月:在谷城县畜牧兽医站工作,负责畜牧业技术培训与推广。
From Baghdad to Beirut, car bombs, suicide attacks, air strikes and a grim tally of civilian deaths are the new currency of daily life. 从巴格达到贝鲁特,汽车炸弹,自杀袭击,空中侵袭和严酷的平民死亡人数是日常生活中的新传播事件.
From Bali to Cali - far beneath the Coral Sea. 从印尼巴厘岛到哥伦比亚卡利,穿过(澳大利亚的)珊瑚海。
From Bali's garden sentiments, the graceful, noble mettle presented naturally. 承袭巴厘岛风情园林,一脉相承的优雅气质、高贵气派自然流露。

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