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Although traveling dust storms are nothing new, the dust now often contains chemical or metallic substances that contribute to respiratory illnesses and damage the environment.

Although total yields of both crops benefited from mulch, the most dramatic benefit was because of the early harvest. 虽然塑料薄膜覆盖对这两种水果的总产量有好处,但最明显的收益是由于早期产量的增加。
Although tough in some way, the policy's base point is not confrontation but cooperation. 而且,它虽有强硬色彩,但其基点在于同美国合作而不是对抗。
Although traditional advisory and underwriting services have recently improved, trading has been the fount of profitability. 尽管传统的咨询和承销服务情况有所改善,交易却一直是盈利的主要来源。
Although traffic jams would , I'd still like to have my own car. 虽然交通堵塞会使我开车开得很慢,但我仍然希望拥有一辆自己的爱车。
Although trains are much more cost-efficient than trucks for carrying freight over long distances, the shortage of railway capacity forces a lot of cargo onto China's highways -- where overloaded trucks pollute the air and damage road surfaces. 铁路在长距离货运方面比公路更便宜,但运能不足迫使很多货物改走公路——超载的大货车污染空气,破坏路面。
Although traveling dust storms are nothing new, the dust now often contains chemical or metallic substances that contribute to respiratory illnesses and damage the environment. 虽然移动的沙尘暴没什么稀奇,但现在那些沙尘通常含有引起呼吸道疾病和破坏环境的化学或金属物质。
Although tumours are classified anatomically (eg, head-and-neck, liver, kidney), these tissues can become tumorous in many ways, only some of which will be susceptible to a particular drug. 尽管肿瘤是按照解剖学的角度所进行的分类(比如:头颈、肝脏和肾脏),但这些组织能够以许多不同的方式变成肿瘤,它们当中仅有一些会受某种特定的药物的影响。
Although turbulence is sometimes seen in these experiments, it may arise from effects that would not be present in a real accretion disk. 虽然有时在这些实验中可看见乱流,但那可能源自某些不会出现在真实吸积盘中的效应。
Although two thirds of all living creatures can fly, man was chained to earth. 尽管三分之二的生命都能飞翔,但人类却被束缚在地球上。
Although unable to change the immediate course of events, those who rescued and hid Jews during the holocaust are regarded as honorable in a time of shame. 尽管不能立即改变事件的进程,在那个可耻的时代,那些在大屠杀中营救和藏匿犹太人的人被认为是可敬的。
Although unaggressive and unfailingly polite, the Fayed heir was a complete pain in the backsidewith no concept of time-keeping, yet petulant at necessary delays. 但是对他伤害更大的,看来还是他的前雇主,死者多迪之父穆罕默德·阿-法耶德对他所起作用的谴责和离奇的阴谋说法。

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