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Furthermore, they heal with incredible speed, even to the point of regenerating damaged internal organs.

Furthermore, these returns do not appear to be correlated with the other main asset classes of shares and bonds. 此外,这些回报与股票和债券的其他主要资产类别的相关性并不明显。
Furthermore, these small molecules can converse to more high-value chemicals and can replace the petroleum-based chemicals step by step in the future, which are meaningful to the sustainable development of economy and society. 通过这些小分子有机化合物的转化,可产生替代石油基产品的高附加值化学品,对可持续发展具有重要意义。
Furthermore, they are responsible for a lot of traffic accidents. 此外,汽车造成许多交通事故。
Furthermore, they cause a lot of traffic accidents. 此外,汽车造成许多交通事故。
Furthermore, they have strong city autonomy too given their high capacity to allocate financial resources according to their spending priorities, as well as raising resources to fulfill the same priorities without depending on central government transfers 此外,这些城市拥有高度自治权,能按支出先后分配财政资源,同时自行筹集资源应付开支,无需依赖中央政府拨款。
Furthermore, they heal with incredible speed, even to the point of regenerating damaged internal organs. 此外,他们能以令人难以置信的速度自愈,甚至重新再生一个被损坏的器官。
Furthermore, they show that consumer evaluations may change in response to physical contact with products that elicit even moderate levels of disgust. 作者进一步证明,消费者的评价可能随引发厌恶的与产品的物理接触的变化而相应改变。
Furthermore, they tend to have high internal locus of control and high level of type A behavior. 这群妇女的人格特征偏向A型行为及内控倾向,在各项冲突及压力的衡量得分都不高。
Furthermore, this article introduces the techniques to ensure the water vapor quality in secondary circuit of PWR. 还介绍了保证压水堆核电站二回路水汽质量的措施。
Furthermore, this decline was attributed to a reduction in the bilateral subtype of CP. 而且这种下降是由双侧痉挛性脑瘫发病率减少导致的。
Furthermore, this energy source is supplemented by increased absorption of sunlight by ice sheets darkened by black-carbon aerosols, and the positive feedback process as meltwater darkens the ice surface. 此外,冰原被黑碳气溶胶染黑而增加阳光吸收量,以及融化的冰原由于颜色变深而造成温度上升的正回馈,都增大了地球能量的不平衡。

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