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Since bilaterals inherent compromise of sovereign interests including national economic welfare, negotiating through unilateral acts or quasi-diplomatic instruments, or even commercial documents, would easily constitute a effect of acquiescence to allow a

Since becoming a Permanent Resident, have you filed a Federal Income Tax Return as a nonresident or failed to file a Federal Return because you considered yourself to be a nonresident? 自从有永久居留证后,你曾否填报非永久居民报税表或认为自己是非美国居民而没有填报入息税表?
Since being acquitted of child molestation charges at a trial that ended in June 2005, Jackson has mostly kept a low profile, spending time in Bahrain and Ireland. 杰克逊自2005年6月被宣判“猥亵儿童案”无罪以来,一直比较低调,并一直居住在巴林和爱尔兰两地。
Since being granted the Right of Self-Supporting Exporting by the Ministry of Commerce in June 2003, ours has become entitled to the access to the export quotas of textile products for manufacturing enterprises previously allocated by the state Ministry o 2003年6月,公司被商务部赋予自营出口权,是拥有原国家经贸委生产性企业纺织品出口配额分配使用权的企业。
Since being kept under the care of the keepers, the gorillas have thrived and look set to be freed alongside wild-born gorilla orphans in the Gabon later this year. 在接受饲养员的精心照料后,两只大猩猩茁壮成长起来。今年年底,它们将和其它的野生大猩猩孤儿一同被送回非洲加蓬的森林里。
Since being sworn in on February 6th, he has introduced legislation to make bureaucrats and politicians more accountable and cut the federal sales tax from 7% to 6%. 自从2月6日就职以来,他制定了新的法规以赋予了官僚和政客更多的责任,也使联邦的销售税从7%降到了6%。
Since bilaterals inherent compromise of sovereign interests including national economic welfare, negotiating through unilateral acts or quasi-diplomatic instruments, or even commercial documents, would easily constitute a effect of acquiescence to allow a 以单方行为、授权机关所为之准外交协议或甚至是私文书为主权管辖利益之减让或交换,不但造成宪政权力失衡,在国际法上亦易造成对国家权利状态变化的默认效果。
Since black holes do not classically emit radiation, the thermodynamic viewpoint was simply an analogy. 既然黑洞不是经典地发出辐射,熵的观点只是一个类推。
Since bones show up clearly as white objects against a darker background, Roentgen's rays proved particularly suited for examining fractures and breaks, but they could also spot cancer tumors, respiratory diseases such as tuberculosis or black lung, and a 由于当白色的物体对着深色的背景时骨骼显现得很清楚,伦琴射线被证明尤其适合于检查骨折和骨裂,但是它们也可以发现癌症、肿瘤、肺结核或黑肺等呼吸道疾病以及一系列其他组织异常。
Since booking their return to the top flight, the Bianconeri have been looking to reinforce their back line and have regularly been linked with Azzurri star Barzagli. 自从回到了顶级联赛,斑马军团就开始着眼于他们的后防线,他们现在正和意大利新星巴尔扎利联系在一起。
Since both Nuremberg and Tokyo Tribunals successfully prosecuted War Criminals after World War Two, both ICTY and ICTR successfully trialed war crimes in their non-international aimed conflict forms as well. 摘要继第二次世界大战后纽伦堡和东京国际军事法庭成功审判战争罪犯后,前南斯拉夫和卢旺达国际特设刑事法庭又成功审判了非国际性武装冲突构成的战争罪。
Since both jobs pay 100yuan an hour and are equally boring, it is about as broad as it is long whether I take one or the other. 既然两个工作都是100块一个小时,而且又同样都很无聊,我觉得选哪个都一样,半斤八两。

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