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With French fries arid Coke, the meal is complete. Tin foil packets of extra catsup are always included and usually used to spice the French fries.

With Fernando Torres, Ryan Babel, Yossi Benayoun and Andriy Voronin having arrived at the club this summer, the Liverpool boss will be spoilt for choice all over the field as he looks to shape a team capable of challenging for the title. 随着今夏托雷斯、巴贝尔、贝纳永和沃罗宁加入到了球队中,红军教头将会为了如何选择上场球员而头痛了,他希望能组建一支能对冠军发起冲击的球队。
With Finite Element Method, a series of stability analysis for a cylindrical shell, which is similar to the real construction of a submarine hull is carried out. 模拟实际潜艇结构、装载、安装的设备、制造公差及腐蚀等进行了一系列的计算和实验验证。
With Frank's father the West Ham first team coach, sections of the support there cried nepotism. 随着弗兰克的父亲在西汉姆出任一队教练,在那里所得到的支持部分继续着他的理想。
With Freever users can also create their own tribe and stay in contact with its members (school class, family, group of friends, etc.). 使用”任自由”,用户可以创建自己的社组,并且与及组员保持联系.(学校社组,班级社组,家庭社组,朋友社组等.
With Freever, anyone who has a mobile phone can talk freely and anonymously with all other members of the community, either in the chat forums or one-to-one. 通过”任自由”,任何手机用户都可以任意也可用匿名的方式和网内的其它会员聊天,该种服务不仅提供聊天论坛的方式,还有一对一的私人会话方式.
With French fries arid Coke, the meal is complete. Tin foil packets of extra catsup are always included and usually used to spice the French fries. 一顿完整的套套包括一个汉堡包、炸薯条和一杯了口可乐饮料,还有铝箔袋装的番茄酱供调味炸薯条之用。
With Gary Neville out of action with ankle ligament damage, the Irishman has fulfilled the role of right-back admirably. 加里.内维尔因为脚踝人带的伤病远离球场,这位爱尔兰人还很好的顶替了边后卫的位置。
With Giambi out of the lineup, Torre selected leadoff hitter Johnny Damon to serve as the designated hitter, with Derek Jeter moving down in the lineup to bat third. 随著技安没有排上先发打线,老爹让头号打击者大门担任指定打击,队长移到第三棒。
With Gmail, you can send and receive messages up to 20 megabytes (MB) in size. However, the precise amount allowable will depend on the attachment. 用户也必须确保对方收件人的邮箱能收下那么大的附件。不然一封邮件就可能将他的邮箱塞爆了呀。。。
With God nothing is impossible. 对天主来说,没有什么不能实现的事!”
With God's help, we envision a bright and prosperous future for the nation we love. 藉著上帝的恩助,为我们心爱的家园,我们展望我们的国家朝向一个光明的前途和兴盛的未来。

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