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A general formula for computing the self-inductance given by means of magnetic energy.

A general communication system, channel coding theorem and source-channel coding theorem. 通信系统的一般模型,信道编码定理和信源信道编码定理。
A general design of market shopping system based on mobile payment is given, the architecture of system and management flow, function module, database design,and key technology of system are discussed in detail. 提出一套基于手机支付的商场购物系统的总体设计方案,阐述系统的体系结构、处理流程、功能模块、数据库设计以及系统实现的关键技术。
A general disk based computer operating system (see OS). Originally developed by Microsoft for IBM personal computers. Often used as a shorthand for MS-DOS. 通用的基于磁盘的操作系统(见:操作系统)。最初是通过IBM的个人电脑开发的。通用的标准为MS-DOS。
A general equilibrium model with banking sector and consumer-producer microeconomic foundation is constructed to analyze the mechanisms of twin crises in the emerging market economies. 摘要本文构造了一个具有银行部门和消费-生产者微观基础的一般均衡模型,分析了新兴市场国家双重危机的发生机制。
A general falls to his knees in the hard snow of Valley Forge; a lonely president paces the darkened halls, and ponders his struggle to preserve the union; the men of the Alamo call out encouragement to each other, a settler pushes west and sings a song, 一位将军跪倒在福奇山谷的积雪中;一个孤独的总统在黑暗的大厅中踱步,沉思他为保护合众国所作的奋斗;边城阿拉莫的将士们互相鼓励,一名拓荒者高歌着向西方冲去,这首歌永远回荡在未知的空中。
A general formula for computing the self-inductance given by means of magnetic energy. 摘要用磁场能量法得出计算自感系数的一般公式。
A general history of the period. 那一时期的总史。
A general idea of the research of two methods of fuzzy mathematics, fuzzy clustering analysis and fuzzy synthetic evaluation, applying in the earthquake prediction and actual effects are briefly introduced. 现仅介绍模糊聚类分析和模糊综合评判两种常用方法在地震预测中的应用研究概况及其预测实效。
A general is over a colonel. 将军管得着上校。
A general ranks a captain. 将军的级别比上尉高。
A general solution of partial differential equation for transverse displacement function of anisotropic rectangular plates in bending was established in this paper. 摘要建立了各向异性矩形板弯曲的横向位移函数偏微分方程的一般解。

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