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However, for some English learners, this means you have to turn on the subtitles most of the time or you can hardly understand the dialogue.

However, for animation, I think the link is stronger. 不过,对于动画来说,我认为这种联系更强些。
However, for convenience in operation, stipulations relating to such procedural aspects as handling and reconsidering cases, the Methods and Detailed Rules are, without exception, applicable. 但是,为便于操作,凡属于办案、复议等程序方面的规定,一律适用《办法》及其《细则》。
However, for litter size and litter weight at the age of 20d, crossbred Duroc mated groups appeared superior to pure ones. 但在20日龄窝仔数和窝重性状上,杂种公猪优于纯种公猪。
However, for many people the biggest boost is coming from the surgeon's scalpel, the survey found. 但调查显示,很多人认为整容手术才是永葆青春的最佳途径。
However, for most of the target audience, this will undercut the message badly. 然而,对于大多数观众来说,这会削弱影片所要传达的讯息的张力。
However, for some English learners, this means you have to turn on the subtitles most of the time or you can hardly understand the dialogue. 然而,对一些英文学习者来讲,这就意味着你必须多数时间都要把字幕打开否则你是几乎听不懂对白的。
However, for some of the more recent mortgage like ABS that are subject to greater prepayment uncertainty, investors should understand that the predictability of cash flow is less precise. 然而,对近期内出现的类似于担保的资产支持型证券,有可能具有提前偿付的不确定因素,因此投资者必须明白,此时现金流的可预测性就不那么准确了。
However, for the existence of the local protectionism, it is difficult for the free flow of goods and services to come true. 但由于地区间存在的保护主义,商品和服务的自由流通往往难以实现。
However, for the eyes with leukoma cornea and relatively small anterior staphyloma, simple excision of the staphyloma followed by wearing cosmetic soft contact lens or tattooing the cornea can achieve the most natural cosmetic effect while preserving the 近年来,更因眼球植入物材质的进步,而使得施行眼球摘除术的病人数目增多,但对于一些有角膜白斑及前葡萄膜肿而眼球并未有明显变大突出的患者而言,若能将其前葡萄膜肿切除,再配戴美观性隐形眼镜,或是做角膜濡墨染色,不仅可以保留患者自己的眼球,达到最好的自然且美观的效果,同时也可避免一些眼球摘除后合并症的产生。
However, for the first 12-month of the execution of this Agreement, ESD agrees to give a grace period to the Distributor to achieve the Sales Target. 东海龙将在协议期间提供在委托人销售价格基础上8%的折扣协助代理人在印度尼西亚领土范围内的市场推广和市场竞争活动。
However, for the kind of reciprocal typification just described to occur there must be a continuing social situation in which the habitualized actions of two or more individuals interlock. 然后,这种相对性类型化必定发生在连续的社会情境中,也就是两者或多个连结的习惯化行为中。

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