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One more reason not to lose sleep over the rise in oil prices is that, unlike the rises in the 1970s, it has not occurred against the background of general commodity-price inflation and global excess demand.

One more effort, and you will get to the top. 再加点油,你就可以到达顶端了。
One more example is USA,if there were no hills,rivers,and wide field in its midwest which brought up the early cowboy,exploiter spirit,can the opening,innovative folkway nowadays exist? 再说美国,要是没有中西部的山川河流、辽原阔野,造就早期的牛仔、开拓者精神,能有如今开放、创新的民风?
One more note on short and long conditions, the problem of playing long and short is somewhat different for men and women. 在长、短油赛道上还有一项值得注意的是:男子选手和女子选手在比赛时对球道的影响会有一些差异。
One more please. Just put it on my tab. 请再来一份,记在我的帐上好了。
One more reason not to lose sleep over the rise in oil prices is that, unlike the rises in the 1970s, it has not occurred against the background of general commodity price inflation and global excess demand. 另外一个不应因油价上升而失眠的原因是,与20世纪70年代不同,这次油价上升不是发生在普遍的物价暴涨及全球需求过旺背景之下。
One more reason not to lose sleep over the rise in oil prices is that, unlike the rises in the 1970s, it has not occurred against the background of general commodity-price inflation and global excess demand. 另外一个不应因油价上涨而失眠的原因是,这次不像70年代的那些次上涨,它并不是在普遍的商品价格暴涨和全球需求过旺的背景之下发生的。
One more reason not to lose sleep over the rise in oil prices is that,unlike the rises in the 1970s,it has not occurred against the background of general commodityprice inflation and global excess demand. 油价上升不会导致失眠的另一个原因是,与20世纪70年代不同,这一次油价上涨之时并没有出现普遍物价暴涨、全球需求过旺。
One more such loss, and we are ruined. 如果再受一次这样的损失,我们就会破产。
One more thing is reserved, but its appearance is unlikely, so I won't mention it. 另外还有一个预留的设置,但它的出现基本上不太可能,所以我不会提及它。
One more thing, I also need a couple more of hangers. 还有一件事,我还需要两三个衣架。
One more thing, we need to send a 500 bill of exchange as a guarantee that we won't drop out during the session. . 还有一件事,我们还要寄一张500面额的汇票以保证我们在课程进行中不会退出。

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