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Butthe results are actually good news, Woo said. He personally does notlike to use codeine for kids' pain management because it spaces themout,he said.

Butterfly valves have a wider range of chemical resistance due to the trim options and choice of elastomeric liners. 由于蝶阀能够采用各种表面处理技术和选择弹性材料管道,所以蝶阀具有极强的化学防腐性能。
Butterfly,butterfly,touch the ground. 蝴蝶,蝴蝶,碰碰地面。
Buttermilk, yoghurt and jello snacks are all things often found in Taiwanese refrigerators. But few carefully check their ingredients meaning vegetarians may have consumed the animal extracts they sometimes contain. 优酪乳,优格、甚至是果冻,是很多人家中都会有的食品。但是大多数的人都不会注意它的成分,所以吃素的人很可能一不小心就开了荤。
Butters: Yeah, but I'm playing Hello Kitty Island Adventure. 大头:是啊,可是我在玩凯蒂猫岛大冒险。
Butthe market's overall difficult mood since the turbulence of earlierthis month coupled with light volume helped skew price swings. 但市场整体的心情难以自动荡本月早些时候,加上轻量倾斜,使价格波动.
Butthe results are actually good news, Woo said. He personally does notlike to use codeine for kids' pain management because it spaces themout,he said. 但是该研究结果确实是个好消息,吴说道。他本人并不喜欢给小孩们应用可待因来治疗疼痛,因为“它使孩子们昏昏沉沉。”,他说道。
Butthese speak evil of those thingswhich they know not: but what theyknow naturally, as brute beasts, inthose things they corruptthemselves. 但这些人,好像没有理性的牲畜,生下来就是给人捉去宰杀的;他们毁谤自己所不知道的事,必在自己的败坏中灭亡。
Buttheseearly stages are rather unstable and it is important totakecare. 但是怀孕初期(孕妇和胎儿)的状况又非常不稳定,因此要特别注意。”
Button command that provides access to a default command. 确定按钮:提供了访问缺省命令的按钮命令。
Button ears——a semi-erect ear in which the top half folds forward. 纽扣耳。耳朵从中间的位置折下,耳尖朝前(译者注:就像柯利牧羊犬和喜乐蒂牧羊犬)。
Button holes are very hard to sew. 要缝钮扣洞非常难。

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