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The first of these glacial periods is often called the Huronian glaciation because it is well exposed in rocks just north of Lake Huron in southern Canada.

The first of the firstfruits of thy land thou shalt bring unto the house of the LORD thy God. Thou shalt not seethe a kid in his mother's milk. 26地里首先初熟之物要送到耶和华你神的殿。不可用山羊羔母的奶煮山羊羔。
The first of the latter included St James' Square , Covent Garden , Lincoln's Inn and Bloomsbury Square , while the grander residential areas around Belgravia tend to be early or later C19. 后者首先包括圣詹姆斯广场,考文特公园,林肯饭店和布洛姆斯伯利广场,但是在贝尔格莱维亚(区)周围的大居住区可能是十九世纪早期或晚期的事情。
The first of the specific studies was on Salmonella, a bacterium found in spoilt food. 第一个具体研究是沙门氏菌,一种多见于变质食物中的细菌。
The first of the two ships to reach JAVA after the race had begun was the Thermopylae,but on the Indian Ocean,the Cutty Sark took lead. 比赛开始后,“赛姆皮雷”号率先抵达爪哇岛。但在印度洋上,“卡萨萨克”号驶到了前面。
The first of the two ships to reach Java after the race had begun was the Thermopylae, but on the Indian Ocean, the Cutty Sark took the lead. 比赛开始后,“赛姆皮雷”号率先抵达爪哇岛。但在印度洋上,“卡萨萨克”号驶到了前面。
The first of these glacial periods is often called the Huronian glaciation because it is well exposed in rocks just north of Lake Huron in southern Canada. 第一次冰期称为「休伦冰期」,因其遗迹在加拿大南部休伦湖北方的岩石中清晰可见。
The first of these is the Time Bomb. 第一个技能就是时间炸弹。
The first of these traits is the capacity for love. 这些特征中的第一个是付出爱的能力。
The first officer at the scene immediately initiated traffic control at the gate area and checked for proper identification of personnel entering the scene. 第一位长官到达现场之后,立即开始在通向该地区的门户地区进行交通管制,及时查验进入该地区人员的身份。
The first official coat of arms was adopted by Grand Prince Ivan III in the late fifteenth century. 15世纪末叶亲王伊凡三世采用了第一件正式的盾徽。
The first old chestnut raised was that there would be the cloning of dictators, followed by these possibilities, positive and negative: celebrity cloning, self-cloning, the pre-selection of citizens by the state with its echoes of Aldous Huxley's futurist 第一个经常被提起的老掉牙的话题是独裁者将可能被克隆,然后就是这些可能发生的事情,既有积极作用的也有消极作用的:名人克隆;自体克隆;仿照奥尔德斯·赫胥黎的未来主义小说《勇敢的新世界》中的做法,国家预先选择公民;使死去的亲人再生;治疗不育夫妇;避免父母的遗传性疾病传给孩子;以及治愈不治之症。

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