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The North-South gap is widening.

The North Wind first tried his power and blew with all his might, but the keener his blasts, the closer the Traveler wrapped his cloak arround him, until at last, resigning all hope of victory, the North Wind called upon the Sun to see what he could do. 北风首先一显身手,用尽全力刮了起来,可是,它刮得越猛烈,过路人把斗篷裹得越紧,最后它只得放弃了获胜的希望,于是北风只好请太阳一试身手。
The North Wind will come as the Tree's enemy, and with its noxious breath it will tear away the third of the branches. 北风就像树的敌人般地来到,连同着有害的呼吸,它的分枝会撕开三分之一。
The North is longer and more treacherous (smiles) I will take it With my new captive on board, I have no incentive to hurry. 北方更长和更危险的(微笑)我将获得它和我的新俘虏在船上,我没有激励的催促.
The North is one region where the world wars have left many scars. It includes Nord-Pas de Calais, Picardie, and Haute-Normandie. 世界大战给法国的北部留下了许多遗迹,如北部-加来海峡,皮卡第大区和诺曼底。
The North-East is a region where wider European culture (and specially German culture) has merged with the French, giving interesting results. It includes Alsace, Lorraine, Champagne-Ardenne and Franche-Comte. 法国的东北部地区融合了大部分欧洲的文化(特别是德国),这种文化成为了法国的一部分,形成了有趣的现象。该区域包括:阿尔塞斯山脉,洛林,香槟-阿登大区和弗朗什孔泰大区。
The North-South gap is widening. 南北差距进一步扩大。
The Northeast is not what we'd hoped for. 东北部没有达到我们的预期。
The Northern Daxinganling area, covered by primeval forest, marsh and frozen earth, is one of the most important regions for Au-Cu polymetallic metallogensis. 摘要大兴安岭北部地区是原始森林、沼泽覆盖和冻土区,也是我国重要的金、铜多金属成矿区。
The Northern Dynasties tomb with murals at Wanzhang in Cixian county, Hebei province, contains the burial of a prominent personage. 摘要河北磁县湾漳北朝壁画墓是一座规格很高的墓葬。
The Northern Expedition Zhuge Liang launched in order to restore the Han Royal Familywas doomed to fail, due to changes in the situation and his too-weak strength. 摘要诸葛亮为“兴复汉室”而进行的北伐,因形势的变化和实力的悬殊,注定不能成功。
The Northern Warlords were a political and military group in modern Chinese history, having colluded with such super powers as the Great Britain, the United States and Japan, especially developed much stronger ties with Japan. 摘要北洋军阀是中国近代的一个政治军事集团,与英、美、日列强有所勾结,其中与日本的关系尤为密切。

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