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On the basis of constructed rolB and pttGA20ox gene plant vector by restriction endonuclease and PCR method with high fidelity DNA polymerase of pfu and pyrobest, the binary vector was constructed with both that two genes.
在首次利用高保真的pfu与pyrobest DNA聚合酶构建rolB及pttGA20ox单价基因植物表达载体的基础上,构建了由这两个基因组成的双价基因植物表达载体;

Of 6234 rat CNS genes/ESTs, cDNA microarray identified 152 as differentially expressed cDNA clones with changes between 1.5-2.8 fold in the hippocampus 10 days following perforant path injury, 32 were up-regulated and 152 down-regulated. cDNA microarray在大鼠中枢神经系统表达的6234种基因和EST序列中,筛选到了152个基因和EST 序列在去神经10天海马差异表达,表达变化在1.5-2.8倍之间,其中表达上调的32个,下调的120个。
On Culture Systems of Embryonic Stem Cells 胚胎干细胞的培养体系综述
On Laser raised Enzyme Activity 激光提高酶活性机理探讨
On Method of the Experiment of Separating Serum Protein by Acetate Cellulose Membrane Electroprssis 醋酸纤维薄膜电泳分离血清蛋白实验方法探讨
On the 2nd day after differentiation,a few cells exhibited β-Ⅲ Tubulin and GFAP immunoreactivities,but no Galc positive cells. 结果诱导分化12 h时细胞球中绝大部分细胞为Musashil阳性细胞,第2 d时有少量的β-ⅢTubulin和GFAP阳性细胞,未见galc阳性细胞;
On the basis of constructed rolB and pttGA20ox gene plant vector by restriction endonuclease and PCR method with high fidelity DNA polymerase of pfu and pyrobest, the binary vector was constructed with both that two genes. 在首次利用高保真的pfu与pyrobest DNA聚合酶构建rolB及pttGA20ox单价基因植物表达载体的基础上,构建了由这两个基因组成的双价基因植物表达载体;
On the conditions of pH 7.6~7.8 and low ionic strength,the interaction of neutral red (NR) with deoxyribonucleic acids (DNA) results in enhanced resonance light-scattering (ERLS),CHARACterized by 535 nm RLS peak. 在pH7.6-7.8和低离子强度条件下,中性红(NR)与小牛脱氧核糖核酸(ctDNA)作用产生以535nm为特征的共振光散射增强(ERIS)光谱。
On the improvement of immunology test laboratory teaching method in medical academy 医学专科免疫学检验教学方法的改进
On the other hand, immunization of chickens with rH5 protein results in high titers of H5N1 virus specific hemagglutation inhibition antibodies, which proved its biological activity. rH5免疫鸡诱导产生针对H5N1禽流感病毒亚型特异的血凝抑制抗体,说明表达的重组蛋白具有与天然蛋白相似的生物活性。
On the relationship between the liver function capsula fibrosa and blood stasis of hepatopathy 肝病血瘀证与肝功能肝纤维化标志物的关系
One gene is PMF1,another MAD4,both genes are transcription factors. 一个基因为PMF1,另一个为MAD4基因,这两个基因都是转录因子。

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