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The principal functions that may be performed by vacuum tubes are rectification, amplification, oscillation, modulation, and detection.

The principal direct tax is income tax, in which the person who receives the income pays the tax. 首要的直接税是所得税,由有收益的个人付税。
The principal dwelt on traffic safety in his talk. 校长没完没了地谈论交通安全问题。
The principal factors affecting the stimulating effects of the field tests are shown. 341 above tests have been made with additional output of 28375t and input-output ratio of 1:2. 微生物吞吐、微生物清防蜡、微生物堵水调剖和激活本源菌共进行341井次,增加原油产量28375t,投入产出比均大于1:2。
The principal fallacy centers on the workplace and concept of equal pay for equal work . 最大的谬误在于工作场所和同工同酬的概念。
The principal felonies are homicide, rape, theft, robbery, burglary and arson. 主要的重罪包括杀人罪、强奸罪、盗窃罪、抢劫罪、侵犯住宅罪和放火罪。
The principal functions that may be performed by vacuum tubes are rectification, amplification, oscillation, modulation, and detection. 真空管的五大主要功能是:整流、放大、振荡、调制和检波。
The principal goal of COO Bob Pittman is to manage the merger of AOL and Time Warner so that a new stream of goods and services, such as improved Internet service and TV, interactive games, movies on demand, and electronic books, are created that customer 首席运营官鲍勃·皮特曼的首要目标是要管理好美国在线和时代华纳的合并工作,以源源不断地创造出消费者愿意购买的新型产品和服务,如改进的互联网服务和电视节目、互动游戏、受欢迎的电影以及电子图书。
The principal has a very tight schedule. 校长的日程表排得满满的。
The principal has planned to set up a center for learning assistance which will be open on evenings during the semester by appointment. 校长有计划要设立一个学习协助中心,将在学其中的晚上以预约方式进行。
The principal landmass of a continent. 大陆大洲的主要陆地板块
The principal made a loud announcement about school safety. 那位校长大声的宣布了校园安全的事项。

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