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An intermediary style is exhibited through the strata in translation, which is a comparatively objective criterion for evaluation.

An interim goal was set to insure that all navigable waters would be fishable and swimmable by 1983. 而短期目标是到1983年保证通航水域可以钓鱼和游泳。
An interior decorator designs and decorates the interior of a room or building. 室内装饰家设计,装饰房间或建筑物的内部。
An interior decorator is a person who plans the colours and furnishings for the inside of a house. 室内装饰设计员是为房子内部设计颜色和家具陈设的人。
An interior design style is formed by different ethos and regional characteristics which undergo gradual development through a designer's creation and expression into a representative interior design form. 室内设计风格的形成,是不同的时代思潮和地区特点,通过创作构思和表现,逐渐发展成为具有代表性的室内设计形式。
An interlocking or entanglement of elements or parts. 连接各因素或部分的连接或纠结
An intermediary style is exhibited through the strata in translation, which is a comparatively objective criterion for evaluation. 孤立文本文体风格的中介现象在翻译上表现为翻译的层次性,它是评价译文相对客观的标准。
An intermediary, usually a married lady, learns that a young man wishes to get married and she undertakes to find him a suitable bride. 通常媒婆是已婚妇女,知道年轻男子想和什么人结婚,她为他找一个合适的新娘。
An intermediate body set up between the subjects and the Sovereign, to secure their mutual correspondence, charged with the execution of the laws and the maintenance of liberty, both civil and political. 政府就是在臣民与主权者之间所建立的一个中间体,以便两者得以互相适合,它负责执行法律并维持社会的以及政治的自由。
An intermediate buffer being between high speed buffer and main storage, i.e., using two levels of buffer to speed up the access of memory system. 在高速缓存和主存储器之间的一种中间存储器,即利用两级缓存来提高存储系统的存取速度。
An intermediate state or stage. 中间状态中间形态或中间阶段
An intermittently insane person who violates the administration of public security while in normal mental condition shall be punished. 间歇性的精神病人在精神正常的时候违反治安管理的,应予处罚。

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