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Methods:The stapler was used to resect the rectal lesion which was cm from anal.
方法 :应用吻合器对 例距肛缘 ~ cm直肠占位性病灶及病变经肛进行了切除。

Methods:The method was carried on a Thermo C8 column (0mm×.mm,μm). 方法:采用 Thelmo C8柱(0mm×.mm,μm);
Methods:The objective gene to be mutated was cloned into pAlter Ex plasmis and then was mutated with the site directed mutagenesis mediated by oligonucleotide. 方法 :将待突变的目的基因克隆到 pALTER Ex载体上 ,采用寡核苷酸介导的定点突变进行突变。
Methods:The patients were treated with oxaliplatin 8mg/m~ iv infusion for h d combined with folinic acid 00mg iv infusion for h followed by -fluororacil 00mg/m~ continuos-infusion for h every weeks. 方法:采用如下方案治疗晚大肠癌:奥沙利铂8mg/mivgtthd,亚叶酸钙00mgivgtthd,氟尿嘧啶00mg/mcivh,每周重复。
Methods:The rationality of with Logistic regression was analyzed with logistic regression,and the influences factors of reform trend were sought for. 方法:运用Logistic回归分析方法对基层卫生体制的合理性进行分析,从深层次挖掘出影响不同人群改革意向的因素。
Methods:The serum levels of CA9 9 and CEA were determined in 8 cases with gastro intestinal cancer by enzyme immunometric assay. 方法:采用酶联免疫吸附法对8例消化道恶性肿瘤患者的CA9-9、CEA水平进行测定。
Methods:The stapler was used to resect the rectal lesion which was cm from anal. 方法 :应用吻合器对 例距肛缘 ~ cm直肠占位性病灶及病变经肛进行了切除。
Methods:The transnasal endoscope was applied in sinus surgery in cases,examination of the concealed portio in the ear,nose,and throat in 7 cases and biopsy in 0 cases. 方法 :将鼻窦内窥镜用于鼻腔鼻窦手术 例 ,检查耳鼻咽喉隐匿区 7例 ,在鼻窦内窥镜指引下取组织活检 0例。
Methods:To compare Tennison 's method(to repair cases)with Millard's( 7cases)in clinic. 方法 :用三角瓣法修补单侧唇裂 例 ; 用旋转推进法修补 7例 ,并进行临床比较。
Methods:To determinate the activity of serum CK in normal gravidas, placenta accreta and placenta increta gravidas respectively. 方法:对 例正常产妇, 例胎盘粘连和例胎盘植入产妇分别测定其血清CK活性。
Methods:To observe the effects of Qinyiheji supersonic inhaler on ovalbumin asthma guiea pig model with bronchalveolar avage fluid(BALF) E_(0) 、IL- 、IL-、GM-CSF、SIL-R、NO as index. 方法:观察该方对卵白蛋白致敏哮喘动物模型支气管肺泡灌洗液(BALF)中Eo、IL- 、IL-、GM-CSF、SIL-R、NO的影响。
Methods:To regulate and analyse about the achie vements in the study of Canavan recen tly. 方法对近年Cana-van研究成果加以整理分析。

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