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In the Late Ordovician, the lithofacies palaeogeography framework of two troughs alternating with three platformsin the Early, Middle and Late Cambrian and the Early and Middle Ordovician was changed.

In the KMT's first-ever defeat by popular vote, the DPP grasped 43.67 percent of the ballots counted, putting the party in administrative power over some 71 percent of the country's population, excluding the special municipalities of Taipei and Kaohsiung. 在这前所未有、第一次国民党被民选的打击中,民进党攫取了43.67%计算过后的选票,使得这个党拥有了超过71%的国家人口数的行政权力,包括特别的自治市,台北市和高雄市。
In the Korean War U.S troops fought Chinese troops; in Vietnam China supplied and aided our North Vietnamese enemy. 在朝鲜战争中美国军队和中国军队作战;在越南中国供应和援助了我们的北越敌人。
In the Kremlin, the rulership by committee will bring more jockeying for power. 克里姆林宫中的政治局委员会统治将带来更多的权力斗争。
In the Late Jurassic the Central Atlantic Ocean was a narrow ocean separating Afr ica from eastern North America. 宽广的古地中海将北方大陆与冈瓦那大陆分隔开。
In the Late Medieval England, the cult of saint is popular as the center of popular religion. 摘要在中世纪晚期,英国的圣徒崇拜盛行,成为民众宗教信仰的中心。
In the Late Ordovician, the lithofacies palaeogeography framework of two troughs alternating with three platformsin the Early, Middle and Late Cambrian and the Early and Middle Ordovician was changed. 在中国晚奥陶世,早、中、晚寒武世和早、中奥陶世一直存在的“两槽和三台相间分布”的岩相古地理基本格局已经改变,天山北山蒙辽吉槽地中的北山槽地和蒙辽吉槽地已不再是槽地而变成了台地。
In the Late Permian and Triassic, the basin underwent once again a large-scale transgression, and the depositional environment was shelf sea with delta locally. 晚二叠世-三叠纪盆地又经历了一次大的海侵,爲浅海陆棚环境,局部爲海陆过渡三角洲相。
In the Legco polls of 1995, Mr Liu beat DAB chairman Tsang Yok-sing by 22,183 votes to 16,691 in Kowloon Central. 廖成利在95立法局直选的九龙中选区,以22183票击败得16691票的民建联主席曾钰成。
In the Liberated Areas when I was there, you could not find a poor peasant enjoying a great banquet over the New Year holidays, but neither could you find him cowering in the fields to avoid his creditors, nor could you find a peasant who gave his daughte 我访问解放区的时候,虽然看不到一个贫农在过年的时候吃得很丰盛,可是也看不到一个贫农跑到野地里躲债,看不到有哪一个农民为了抵债把闺女送给地主当丫鬟或者陪地主儿子睡觉。
In the Lord I take refuge. How then can you say to me: Flee like a bird to your mountain. 1我是投靠耶和华;你们怎么对我说:你当像鸟飞往你的山去。
In the Lord shall all the seed of Israel be justified, and shall glory. 赛45:25以色列的后裔、都必因耶和华得称为义、并要夸耀。

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